Number of Western Foreigners in Russia Drops by Half a Million.

Note in includes tourists, still it is a very steep drop by any standards.

The total number of Western foreigners in Russia, including tourists, reportedly dropped in January by about half a million year-on-year amid deepening political tensions and a deteriorating domestic economy.

There were 1.23 million Westerners in the country last month, down from 1.73 million in the same month last year, news agency RBC reported Wednesday, citing the Federal Migration Service.
Western workers in Russia have been overall important cogs in the Russian economy, especially with it's interactions with Western companies. For the Russian demographics more important is the 70% crash in the number of non-Western migrant workers. Their immigration has been one of the two big reasons for the slight Russian population growth and have greatly enlarged the labour pool especially for the lower bracket of the job market.