One of the major Russian/Putin arguments in invading into the Ukraine and annexing Crimea "was to protect Russian ethnic citizens" from the roving packs of neo Nazi's and right Sector controlled by the fascist junta in Kyiv.

As stated in Putin's duma speech.

Notice that since their August invasion of the Ukraine that argument has completely disappeared.

Has the western media/western leaders held Russia and Putin accountable for these statements in the face of the utter destruction they have unleased on just about any village, town or city inside their zones of control?

If I am defending my "ethnic Russian comrades" why am I destroying their residences, infrastructure and business denying them jobs, food and shelter?

Absolutely nada, nothing has come from the western media or western senior leaders on this issue.

Does that make sense to anyone when such a massive push back on the Russian disinformation exists?

Press release: "OSCE: Debaltseve is completely ruined"