Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Russia is really adhering to Minsk 2---sure.......

There is a direct railway line between #Rostov and #Luhansk now, delivering troops, equipment + ammo.

SOMETIMES Russian FM slips up and actually tells the truth--yes Russian troops are in the Ukraine.

Lavrov (seriously): We can provide APC & drones but to "manage these machines and drones we have our operators.It should be the men of war."
Seems that while the Russian FM is "distressed over the Ukraine" he seems to not have known about Russian military rail cars being used to deliver weapons, munitions and troops into eastern Ukraine.

Lavrov says distressed with Ukraine crisis

March 21, 16:53 UTC+3

MOSCOW, March 21. /TASS/. The conflict in Ukraine is a real tragedy, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Saturday.

"Yes, I am in distress. The events in Ukraine are tragic," Lavrov said in an interview with "Vesti on Saturday with Sergey Brilev", a TV programme on the Rossiya-1 channel.

"But I am also distressed with the facts that whims and total unwillingness to negotiate of a number of Kiev politicians simply blocks the implementation of agreements which everyone considered a good and implementable compromise," he added.

The minister said he did not even want to think of what would happen if the peace process was disrupted.

"The agreements should be fulfilled and we would be seeking it," he said.