The Rise of Extremism In Tamil Nadu (ISIS influence)

The discovery of groups and individuals in south India pledging allegiance to various militant factions in Syria’s civil war has led to a deterioration of security of that region.
The recent penetration of contemporary global jihadism into Tamil Nadu is unprecedented. The politico-cultural defences of language and emotional attachment to the homeland that have kept the threat of jihadism away from Tamil Nadu have proven less effective against the appeal of the play of symbols of the warring factions in the Syrian civil war. Considering the long history of communal conflicts there, any violence issuing from global jihadism will provoke communal clashes between Hindus and Muslims, which could prove catastrophic for India particularly at this time when Hindu nationalism is in the ascendancy. This will have security concerns beyond the Indian sub-continent to places like Malaysia and Singapore where the south Indian diaspora is substantial.
Since AQ reportedly already opened a franchise targeting South Asia with India as the grand prize, but there also seems to be increased extremist activity in Bangladesh, which may or may not be related to AQ's effort to expand operations in South Asia. The fact that ISIS is now penetrating Tamil Nadu is interesting and alarming. As the President of Afghanistan said during his visit to the U.S., ISIS is AQ 5.0, and it presents a threat to the region that countries must address proactively to keep it from forming roots.

The greatest vulnerability in India, as the article points too, isn't Islamism (though that can change rapidly), but the potential backlash from those embracing the growing Hindu nationalism in India. I agree with the author that if this happens it will quickly expand beyond the borders of India. As most know, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh have the highest concentration of Muslims in the world. Fortunately, they're usually of a different character than those from the Arab world, but that can change quickly.