They removed the video from YouTube, but I found it elsewhere and found it to be a moving summary of Christian prosecution (and outright murder) in the Middle East. I seen some heinous things in my life, but I still cling to a bit of naivety, and wonder how people can bring themselves to slaughter other people based on their race, religious identity, etc. No human is a simple, but ideology can reduce one to viewing the world in an over simplistic manner.

This war is just as much about ideology and religion as it is political for IS, AQ, and other such groups. In fact, like other trinities you can't separate the interactions of these factors, they each influence one another. Jobs will not convince Islamists to quit killing Christians. Jobs will not convince Islamists from killing other Muslims in different sects of Islam. Changing the government won't stop it, they'll simply kill everyone they don't like within their borders. In fact, it was the suppressive governments of the Middle East that kept the Islamists in check. Those governments were removed or weakened, which has allowed the rebirth of extremism in many cases. Unfortunately, the only practical response at this time is for the communities of peoples and states to destroy the extremists (IS in this case). The challenge will be finding the right balance of sufficient aggression to crush IS/AQ without alienating other Muslims. Much easier said than done.