The hashtag #RANDI was number one on Pakistani twitter today, so the joke has been widely shared. English acronym fails have a long history in Pakistan. The first incarnation of the genocidal anti-Shia party "Sepah e Sahaba Pakistan" (soldiers of the (prophet's) companions, Pakistan) was named "Anjuman Sipah e Sahaba" (ASS) "Party of soldiers of the (prophet's) companions".
what is different in this case is that the thing was started as an English language title, not an off-chance weirdness of translation from Urdu to English.
Some people think the Chinese are in on the joke, but of course that too is a joke (Pakistan, like the old Soviet Union, is very joke-happy and there is a joke for every possible political and military development): from what I can tell the Chinese are generally clueless about the cultural nuances of Pakistan (and about Middle eastern societies). So clueless that their imperium may make US imperialism look subtle and deeply knowledgeable..perhaps in the same way that some people look back to the British (with their insatiably curious, astonishingly successful and "proof of the pudding" street-wise "soldier-sahibs") as imperial wizards compared to the easily fooled but highly arrogant Americans.
On the other hand, the Chinese are known to be able to count money, so their actual losses may be less than what the Americans sank into their adventures in imperial policing.
Pakistan has almost certainly promised Big-Big more than Pakistan can possibly deliver. But then again, Big-Big and his accountants may or may not buy the spiel, but they will not sink real money till they see some real returns on early pilot efforts. GHQ will have to up it's game after the first round of investments, otherwise, "you broke it, you pay". Uncle Chin will not extend credit forever...