A "typical Mother's Day" in eastern Ukraine:

Russian army troops from #Vladikavkaz w/ #Orlan_10 drone in #Amvrosiivka last summer

http://www.unian.net/war/1076422-ros...anie-foto.html … pic.twitter.com/RawjAML5f1

#Donetsk 14:50
(At least) 3x D-30 howitzers towed by Kamaz trucks through Kalinovka towards east. https://twitter.com/Serzzze/status/597368882769235970

Terrorists suffer losses in Marinka fight. VIDEO http://en.censor.net.ua/n335539

#Donetsk 14:15 - Constant fresh troop movements along Kyivsky Ave to the airport direction in high-sided covered trucks
Via @loogunda

13:52 #Pervomaysk @LodarGorobec 5 BTR cruise around the town, no tanks [there were rumours about]

Electricians' vehicle out for repair work hit a mine near Novoluhanske (Artemivsk reg) yesterday, 2 injured. https://twitter.com/InfoResist/statu...58009598214144

13:03 #Shyrokyne area @dertien1488 Battle sounds,rumble
#ATO M-Sector speaker 'For 3 months in #Shyrokyne 20 servicemen were killed, abt 100 wounded' http://bit.ly/1RqSHfy
13:15 [UKR] arty became more intense
12:22 Arty&mortars still shell

At least one cannot say the Russian mercenaries are not “capitalists”???
Most of these LNR-DNR-whatever medals are up for sale now on ebay, with the document in blank (fill with your name).

11:00 #Stanytsia_Luhanska @sdv_girtrest "Incoming mortar bombs, cannot get where exactly"

Militants using heavy machine guns to shell Ukrainian troops on May 9 - read on - http://uatoday.tv http://uatoday.tv/politics/militants...-9-426418.html