"A lot of blood found in houses" says @botasot http://botasot.info/lajme/403565/sa-...e-e-kumanoves/

People in #Kumanovo: We lack the basis conditions. Power grid, sanitary sewer and water pipes destroyed.

A resident of 'Lagjja e Trimave', #Kumanovo & a police-man have gone missing 48h ago, without a trace (Koha reports) http://koha.net/?id=27&l=56912

Ramush Haradinaj: I am shocked by the events in #Kumanovo. He says no reason for conflict: "Albania in NATO, Kosovo is independent

It is clear that armed men in #Kumanovo hated Ali Ahmeti, the former commander of UÇK in Macedonia. But when is Ahmeti going to speak?

Commander of armed men #Kumanovo made FB post before attacks: "Ali Ahmeti is a traitor and sold our war" (2001) &"we love death above enemy"

Thomas Moens @TMoens
Serbian tabloid announces that tomorrow the war for Greater Albania will start. - Good thing everybody is keeping calm #Kumanovo

Even disregarding suspicion of direct gov. instigation in #Kumanovo, surely big questions r.e. how ppl and weapons got there in 1st place?

BREAKING: Macedonian gov have not captured Mirsad Ndrecaj, alias "commander NATO". Media claimed that yesterday. Unknown location.