Thanks for that. Your are correct in saying you must allow yourself to grieve because you are human.

It is nearly 20 years since I lost two friends in Lebanon and I remember them every year. I keep Rich Higgins picture on my wall next to the brochure for the commissioning of the U.S.S. Higgins. I dedicated my memoirs to Rich and Peter McCarthy, both of whom died serving peace, armed with a UN beret and a smile.

But I also dedicated my memoirs to anyone who puts themselves at risk in the servive of their fellow man because to me service to mankind was at the center of my belief system when I wore a uniform. Cops, firemen, statesmen, and spies to name a few find motivation in serving something beyond themselves and they bet their lives in so doing.

Finally I would point out to you, Rob, that in remembering your unit and its losses in Mosul, you can be proud that you provided leadership along the way that helped them minimize those losses.
I put these comments on the blog.

