Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Seems the good Congressman "forgot" to ask the Ukrainians what they think of the "so called Nazi Regiment Azov" that he passed an amendment on in the Defense Spending Bill.

RESIDENTS OF #MARIUPOL THANK THE #AZOV FOR LIBERATING THE CITY FROM THE #TERRORISTS OF #DNR https://www.facebook.com/uarighttraditions/posts/856890501064360[/url] … pic.twitter.com/VehTCZed4M

AND I am not so sure he fully understands that Russia has it's fill of Nazi's BUT I see he is not condemning Russian Nazi's--SO why the sudden deep interest in "so called Ukrainian Nazi's"?????

Captured by #Ukraine near #Mariupol, #Russian soldier with Nazi tattoo! The real fascists CAUGHT IN BIG LIE! pic.twitter.com/h7wVL4T4B6

Captured near #Shyrokyne , an RU soldier, nazi supporter and with his RU documents https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/HWvlaklSg7

Ukraine Right Sector captured another #Russia(n) soldier by call sign "June" in #Shyrokyne http://translate.googleusercontent.c...L3epIbba2m3QBQ … pic.twitter.com/kfkpVnO5Ms
The Right Sector published an interview with the Nazi russian mercenary captured at Shyrokyno https://youtu.be/7WCNzHY4-rw