OSCE in Vienna is holding a conference on journalism in conflict/war zones and the protection of journalists.

Propaganda is not the main problem, the main problem is double standards - a key message from Russian delegation #journosafeOSCE Weird!

Russian delegation complains about 'double standards': why everybody trash their propaganda, but ignore Ukrainian

Russian delegation attack Ukraine at #journosafeOSCE. But there are 35 of us from Ukraine. We will answer

Ban of Russian channels, detention of journos from Russia, arrests of anti-war reporters in Ukraine, Russian rep complains

Sweden to the OSCE @SwedeninATOSCE
@OSCE @OSCE_RFoM #JournoSafeOSCE apparently also an arena for Russian misinformation: laughter around the room as we hear known narrative

#Russia rep to #OSCE: "propaganda can be different" , "Russia is the only OSCE place where there is NO crisis #journosafeOSCE

There are multiply audible smirks at #journosafeOSCE while Russian rep goes on with a primary example of whataboutism pic.twitter.com/ZeLA3a1M1Q

Russian oppositional journalist was surprised to see Russian propaganda on #journosafeOSCE - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=1&theater … pic.twitter.com/8l2QkuoX9V

Russia brought their fantasy books about some concentration camps in Ukraine. Again. They do this again after Belgrad. #journosafeOSCE