Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Appears that Russia is now formally admitting it is hurting or they would not been evidently trying a trial balloon like this—Russia is having a hard time getting the Ukrainians attention—they are weathering the shelling and ground attacks, have basically blockaded the mercenaries in a corner and are getting financial help from the West—they are in no hurry to do deals with Russia and in the meantime Russia is struggling to financially support their mercenaries and the daily war costs for the military deployment are pushing 30M USD a day.

top.rbc.ru/politics/15/06/2015/557ea3169a7947375ffa6b5c … Media reports that Moscow has sent a secret peace proposal, though a source says leadership in Kiev must change 1st.

Kremlin's terms for #Minsk3: DPR/LPR (ie Russia) to control entire territory of Donbas region?! https://translate.google.ie/translat...k-3&edit-text= … via @JoergForbrig

Moscow's next trap for Kyiv? @vesti reports Minsk 3 proposal to include autonomy for full Luhansk/Donetsk oblasts, amnesty for rebels......creation of national militia, gov't reshuffle or snap election in Kyiv http://vesti-ukr.com/donbass/103515-...tovili-minsk-3
Well that trial balloon did not last long----went over like a "lead balloon it seems"

RBC: The Kremlin has denied reports about offering a "compromise" on Donbass to Kiev. https://twitter.com/ru_rbc/status/610404062798942208