From Post 72 and cited in part:
Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Evidence RUSSIAN GRU SOLDIERS posed as #UA BERKUT on MAIDAN @SimonOstrovsky @Max_Fisher @maxseddon
From the link; originator 'eugene7' which is dated nine months ago. In the comments 'fereglovesyou':
All the links you posted show these guys in Crimea. Where are the photos that show them on the Maidan?
'eugene7' responds:
I've just re-checked all links. You are right. I though there were photos from that building with a long corridor police was sleeping in. But it looks like all text about Kiev is actually not confirmed. My bad. Let's wait a bit more and see if more will pop-up.
As I recall other, better photos of the shooters @ Maidan have appeared, although conclusive to some IIRC, others disagreed. It appears plausible that the Berkut contingent from the Crimea, known to have been present @ Maidan, changed sides when Russia asserted itself in the Crimea, hence the photos.