Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Shellings and troop movements are on the go early this evening----

17:05 #Donetsk center @givch_saragos Double outgoing fr/Scherbakova park direction, repeated many times

20:00 #Horlivka @GirkinGirkin 4 more tanks passed tow/Kocheharka mine [along Lenina Ave]

Now that fewer are buying Kremlin's #Ukraine narrative, Putin lets Yanukovych boost it? Desperation.. https://twitter.com/ggatehouse/statu...91150916509697 …

19:45 #Donetsk @Serzzze Buses full of Ruscists are going in column for celebrating German invasion 1941, 20 buses passed for now.

20:10 #Toshkivka @lis_ukrop Today I visited Toshkivka, Tsuprika block - no water services for 3 days,

Toshkivka @lis_ukrop afternoon #Zolote was shelled many times. In the night #Nyzhne was shelled - recreation facility

Toshkivka @lis_ukrop [Locals told] about dead civilians unofficially

Terrorists fired mortars at Avdeevka. There are wounded civilians. http://www.62.ua/news/865889

20:27 #Lysychansk @lis_ukrop Now #Zolote shelling can be heard, dull sounds

Maryinka @BylByleva
19:40 Abt 5min ago in #Novomaryinka direction a machine gun fired a bit
19:47 something massive boomed

20:54 #Avdeevka @SerjWTS It started over

21:04 #Makeevka Vostochny @Serzzze [fb] Few min ago there were several sullen heavy volleys in the west, now quiet

21:13 #Donetsk @666_mancer [fb] Landings in 117th school area
21:20 #Horlivka @GirkinGirkin Tanks fr/Stahl_Sbyt, Nova_Uspenivka tow/Khladokombinat

21:28 #Horlivka @ahab7822 Active vehicle movement all over the city today

21:20 #Horlivka @GirkinGirkin Tanks fr/Stahl_Sbyt, Nova_Uspenivka tow/Khladokombinat

21:05 #Maryinka @BylByleva [vk] Again sporadic skirmishes are sometimes heard fr/Sovkhoz direction

21:40 #Donetsk Budenovka @UrriKara4en Ever and again from the north one can hear not close heavy gunshots

LPR again returns two Ukrainian soldiers who had been buried in the middle of nowhere.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-AuDQVrS7U …

And you wonder why #Russia's winning the info war. Journos risking their lives, West hasn't even shown up. https://twitter.com/SimonOstrovsky/s...78771507957760