Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Merkel: Ukraine also violates Minsk Agreement, but separatist violations are greater. #Sigh #OMW
via @Ukropo4kA

WHY does she say that---- because Germans count “shooting back” as a violation—WHEREAS the US stated self defense is not a violation.

Still does not excuse Merkel from not condemning the constant mercenary shellings and ground attacks—the key question is WHY is she so silent as Minsk 2 was her product????

Cannot believe she believes the Ukrainians should simply hide in a bunker and allow themselves to be killed and wounded??????

Core question--is in fact Merkel trying now to appease Putin--especially after the announcement by Gazprom of a new North Stream pipeline being built with apparent German approval which will bypass the Ukraine.
Someone better wake up both Merkel and her Foreign Minister.

Militants fired 122 Grad-P rockets at Ukr & Rus monitors of joint control center in Berdyanske
http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2015/06/26/7072558/ … pic.twitter.com/pBimtVN9GH