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Thread: Ukraine: Russo-Ukr War (June-December 2015)

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  1. #1
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    In the last day, Militants fired on checkpoints Mariinka, Zolote & Majorsk. No casualties - Border guard service

    NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
    Map. Situation in eastern #Ukraine, June 29, 00:00 EET

    Everyday 5 min of hate @zvezdanews "Ukrainian military continue to destroy residential houses cynically"

    Everyday 5 min of hate, RUS #propaganda @ntvru "Ukrainian army battered annihilated #Donetsk with renewed vigour"

    Hard to believe locals wld destroy the very homes they live in. Russian Proxies.

    Russians mount surveillance cameras on roofs of civilian houses to follow up movements of Ukrainian army

    More photos of Lugansk Movshuk Karibula being trained as SAM operator at Orenburg, Russia

    Last night Militants stepped up attacks (51) in sector B after delivery of ammo from "aid" convoy - Sector B spox

  2. #2
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    Well so much for that “open and transparent” investigation in the shot down of MH17 as demanded by Russia at the UN.

    Dutch investigators say inquiry into crash of #MH17 being stymied by separatists in #Luhansk region of #Ukraine.

    In April a Russian soldier shared a video/photo how he delivered a 'Buk' to east #Ukraine, which shot down #MH17.

  3. #3
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    Five Ukrainian soldiers wounded in east Ukraine over last 24 hours …

    Russia's grand strategy: Divide #EU, undermine #NATO, reverse CEE transition @anneapplebaum

    Local Lugansk collaborator being trained as SAM operator in Orenburg Russia

    Militants resumed fire on Mariinka and Krasnohorivka last night. Used AGS, small arms & Mortars. - 28th Brigade

    Since 5am this morning militants 4 times attacked UKR positions in Starohnativka (3) & Hranitne (1). Used SPGs and small arms

    There are a lot of ways to die in #Pisky, and they all come down to seconds and inches." #Ukraine My latest.

    This am militants restarted firing in #Mariupol sector: Starohnativka, Hranitne came under fire from heavy weapons

  4. #4
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    Appears now the Russian military is trying to imply that “foreign troops” are involved in the actual fighting inside the Ukraine—they must have reasons in order to justify exactly why their own troops and her mercenaries have not made much progress after three weeks of intense shellings and ground attacks.

    The PR implies that it cannot be possible for the Ukraine to be using advanced drones as only Russia has them in use inside the Ukraine.

    Foreign specialists operate Ukrainian army’s drones — LPR reconnaissance
    June 29, 15:48 UTC+3

    According to an LPR security officer, this information was derived from decoding of a flight recorder retrieved from a drone shot down by LPR militias

    MOSCOW, June 29. /TASS/. Foreign specialists are operating unmanned aerial vehicles of the Ukrainian army to conduct aerial reconnaissance and adjust fire, LuganskInformCentre said on Monday citing security services of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR).

    According to an LPR security officer, this information was derived from decoding of a flight recorder retrieved from a drone shot down by LPR militias.

    LuganskInformCentre said it was a mass produced Furia drone, which had best characteristics in terms of flight distance and altitude. "To prevent data interception, this vehicles recorded data in a special recorder instead of transmitting then in the online regime," the agency said, adding that the bulk of Ukrainian drone were home-made devices, "with hulls made of foam plastic and the insides assembled from available details by radio amateurs and handed over to Ukrainian army and police." "These devices are equipped with mini video cameras transmitting data in the on-line regime to a ground control station," the agency noted.

    The examination of the drone shot down by the LPR militias revealed photos of the drone operators made while testing the drone’s camera. "The photos feature men operating the drone from an apartment equipped with special devices," the agency said. "Such equipment and work conditions are not typical for rank and file Ukrainian soldiers. More to it, the uniform and underwear of such models and colors are not used in any of the Ukrainian army units."

    The LPR security service officer noted that "one of the foreigners from the photos was reported to have taken part in combat operation during Georgia’s aggression against South Ossetia in 2008." This information, according to the officer, was being verified.

  5. #5
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    In which @cjcmichel takes a bat to the useful idiots pushing RT propaganda at @thenation and @the_intercept:

    More photos of Lugansk Movshuk Karibula being trained as SAM operator at Orenburg, Russia

    The guy even has his drivers license on his profile
    via @Prizrak_opery

    The Ukr interior ministry identified 30 Ukrainian separatists, fighting in the "Somalia" goup under "Givi".

    Nice breakout of the use of social media by Russia and Ukraine---
    Hashtags and User Networks in the Putin-Poroshenko Twitter Chatter …

    Armenia: Drone captures electric Yerevan on 9th day of protests via @YouTube

    Russian-backed militants launch more than 100 attacks in 24 hours … #Serbian sniper for #Russia: 'We got the Buks.' Captured fr #Ukraine after #MH17,he says.

  6. #6
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    Last week a top EU official attempted a "trial balloon" in that he told the Ukrainian government they should grant the two Russian occupied zones a "special status and a constitutional change that favored Russia" BEFORE there was even a stable "ceasefire".

    Once the Ukrainians made the proposal public the EU Commission massively pulled back and denied it.

    If you read this article towards the end you will see that YES in fact the EU Commission made the proposal that they denied they had made---the question is just how much that the EU in fact support Putin????

    Kremlin Opens New Phase in Its War Against Ukraine

    Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 12 Issue: 120

    June 26, 2015 05:06 PM

    By: Vladimir Socor

    (Source: Reuters)

    Moscow is growing impatient with Ukraine’s unwillingness to legalize the Donetsk and Luhansk “people’s republics” and rewrite Ukraine’s constitution to their and Moscow’s satisfaction. The Minsk Two armistice, imposed on Ukraine on February 12, envisages that political process to be completed by December of this year (2015).

    That, however, is conditional on a complete, durable and verified ceasefire in the field. And, since Ukraine is unwilling to sacrifice its sovereignty under the political terms of the armistice, Russia’s proxies continue hostilities in the field with variable intensity levels. Moscow aims thereby to coerce Kyiv into implementing the political terms of the armistice. But in breaching the ceasefire on a daily basis, Moscow and its proxies are demonstrably not meeting the precondition (see above) to the political process they want to impose on Ukraine.

    The Kremlin is taking a number of steps with the aim of breaking or circumventing this political deadlock. Moscow also seems to be in the process of reviewing its political objectives in a more ambitious vein toward Ukraine.
    Addressing the participants in the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, President Vladimir Putin laid out a two-fold proprietary claim to Ukraine on Russia’s behalf. The second of these claims is new in this form: a claim to Ukraine’s future. “Ultimately, one way or another, Russia and Ukraine are fated to share their future together” (applause in the hall).

    Although Ukraine has a right to choose, Putin went on, “we are linked by common technical, energy, transportation infrastructures. This is already a matter for Russia, it is a matter of our interests,” he warned (Interfax, June 20).

    Putin’s other proprietary claim derives not from a vision of the future but a pseudo-historical one. He told the same international forum that “Russians and Ukrainians are one people, one ethnicity, with its [sic] own specificity, its [sic] own characteristics. We are also linked by the ability to speak with each other in one [sic] language.”

    In the traditional reference terms of Russian nationalism, which Putin has adopted, subsuming the Ukrainian identity to the Russian one implies rejecting the basis for Ukrainian national statehood; portraying it as unnatural and temporary, ultimately fated for amalgamation with the Russian state, as Putin already implied in this year’s telephone conversation with Russia’s populace (see EDM, April 23, 24).

    Seen in this light, Moscow’s activating or suspending the Novorossiya project (which targets eight Ukrainian provinces), or shifting from support of the outright secession of Donetsk-Luhansk to “shoving” them back into Ukraine, on constitutional terms that would cripple Ukraine, appear as tactical moves.

    The Kremlin’s ultimate target, whether for reabsorbing or for disabling, is Ukraine as such—while biting off territorial chunks along the way, depending on circumstances (Debaltseve in February was the most recent case).

    In his St. Petersburg remarks, Putin addressed four immediate demands to Ukraine: 1) change the constitution to de-centralize the country’s administrative-territorial system; 2) adopt and begin applying a special status for Donetsk-Luhansk (the current proposal would incapacitate the state); 3) validate local elections to be held in Donetsk-Luhansk (to legitimize and legalize the “people’s republics”); and 4) start financing social expenditures and reconstruction in those territories.

    Ukraine is supposed to implement these demands through direct negotiations with Donetsk and Luhansk; i.e., to their satisfaction (if dissatisfied, they and Moscow would undoubtedly claim that Ukraine has refused to deliver). These are indeed political stipulations of the Minsk armistice.

    However, their implementation is sequenced to follow after a durable and verified ceasefire would have taken hold (see above). Putin is now reversing that sequence.

    Moreover, Putin hinted that Russia would continue arming Donetsk-Luhansk forces, until Ukraine complies with those political demands: “In regional conflicts everywhere, the belligerents always find weapons somewhere. This is also the case in eastern Ukraine.

    But, if the situation is resolved politically, weapons would not be necessary. What is necessary is goodwill and entering into a direct dialogue [by Kyiv with Donetsk-Luhansk].”

    Similarly, Nikolai Patrushev, Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, has publicly hinted that Moscow would continue facilitating the cross-border flow of Russian fighters into Ukraine, until Kyiv concedes on political issues: “There are no terrorist groups in Donetsk and Luhansk. Everything can be resolved without civil war, by complying with the Minsk agreement. But it is not being complied with. Russian Federation citizens go to fight in Donbas. We are not calling or rewarding people [to do this]. But it is impossible to prevent this. Emotions are at work, men go there to join up… Ukraine does not want to negotiate with the representatives of those armed groups [opolchenie]. But it must do so. And we cannot close that border. What, do you want us to impose a blockade there ?” (Kommersant, June 22).

    Thus, Moscow is opening a new phase in its war against Ukraine. Military intimidation is more overt, the threat to continue underwriting proxy warfare more brazen. The Kremlin wants to change the Minsk armistice unilaterally by reversing the sequence of implementing its provisions. That document imposes political concessions on Ukraine, conditional on Russia stopping the hostilities. Since Ukraine resists, Russia is now pressuring Kyiv to deliver those concessions unconditionally.

    Some officials at the European Commission in Brussels are asking Ukraine to meet Moscow’s demand: namely, start complying with the political terms of the Minsk armistice, no longer expecting Russia to comply with the military terms first (Ukrayinska Pravda, June 24, 25). Undoubtedly, Moscow had counted on this effect with those members of this Commission.

  7. #7
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    Today by @PowerVertical: A Russian lawmaker wants Facebook blocked in Russia & more

    Ukraine Live: Ukrainian Military Reports Attacks East Of Volnovakha Today. …

    US Pentagon & @DeptofDefense may as well include this photo in the Law of War manual.

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