Recent satellite images of Donetsk Airport after Putin-style 'liberation'.
via @finriswolf

Tax office was shelled with a grenade launcher in the Poltava region

Russian journalist exposes the Kremlin's secret Internet troll factory … #propaganda

Ukrainian law-enforcement agencies detained 700 tonnes of counterfeit food destined to occupied territories

The militants said that Shyrokyne is demilitarized zone

Situation in Donbas' Mariupol area escalates

Russians mount dozens of attacks - read on -

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
SBU detained FSB agent who was gathering intel on how militants steal humanitarian aid; also detained 2 pro-RU informers.

Russian so called “humanitarian aid” semi trailers parked in a warehouse area that is a munitions depot.48.5234 39.37748
Parked next to an active Russian military base in the Donbass.

Well so much for caring about all those suffering ethnic Russians in Donbass. Military supplies come first for Moscow not civilians.

After each humanitarian aid convoy the new round of shellings occur so one has the feeling the "aid" is nothing more than fuel for armored vehicles and munitions. Especially since Russia never allows an International Red Cross inspection of each truck.

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
One Ukrainian servicemen KIA, 10 got wounded in the last 24 hours – all in Donetsk sector

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Mariupol sector: fighting continued in Shyrokyne. Russia-backed militants used mortars, 122mm artillery, Grad missile systems

NSDC of Ukraine ✔ @NSDC_ua
Donetsk sector: Hotspots: Pisky & Maryinka. Fire exchange b/w UA troops and militants from small arms; latter used tanks & mortars.