CEPA @cepa
@CEPA releases new Intelligence Brief: "Is Mariupol Next?" http://goo.gl/VJ6AYt pic.twitter.com/LOyMHzjzw0

Appears Russia has a problem with the past.

Voice of America ✔ @VOANews
With new internet ban, #Russia blocks access to nearly 20 years worth of web pages - http://bit.ly/1LO7a2Q pic.twitter.com/wIxS2lPsmB

Russian military analyst Alexander Golts on the increasingly authoritarian tendencies of Russian law and justice. https://twitter.com/MoscowTimes/stat...04956315389952

youtube.com/watch?v=er8mjhC88zM … Meet #Russia's LTG Romanchuk(JCCC). Speaks PERFECT Ukrainian. Special ops material. #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/p9EDf22tW9

Russia has Reached Its Own Very Different ‘End of History’ and West has Failed to Recognize
http://www.interpretermag.com/russia...-pavlova-says/ … pic.twitter.com/6dzaOdqSJt

Russia's latest propaganda #fake
Hoax letter attributed to @SenatorDurbin aims to disrupt #Ukraine


Russia court ruled for #Ukraine to pay for 2014 flights bringing Russian weapons to suppress Euromaidan in #Kyiv

Ukraine holding the line in Shyrokyne, new defenses in Mariupol make invasion unlikely http://dailysign.al/1H5t5gr @nolanwpeterson @DailySignal

No end to Russian protectionism against Ukraine: Imports down by 2/3. Now general quotas. Where is EU & WTO or US? http://www.vedomosti.ru/newsline/top...ainskii-import

Russia|n Su-34 bombers use Garmin GPS Navigation. American. For tourists.TT @TimurKhorev
Ukraine pic.twitter.com/bruR4CzfZl