Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Putin is attempting to force the Ukrainians to deal directly with the Russian mercenaries which would then give them the "appearance of being legitimate" and then in the so call federalization that Putin envisions they would have seat in the RADA and being able to block anything that appears like the Ukraine is trying to do with NATO and or the EU--this is Putin's "Bosnian solution".

The NYTs recently wrote an article on the so called "Putin Bosnian model" for the Donbass regions.

Notice Russia in is press release says absolutely nothing on what they and her mercenaries should be doing to implement fully Minsk 2--not a single word is wasted--it is all about WHAT the Ukraine needs to do.

Currently the discussion on the 30km buffer zone was also originally proposed by the Russian General in the Russian JCCC--again a Russian solution--it was proposed during the extremely heavy fighting near Mariupol as the Russians attempted to break through to Mariupol and when civilians were still in the town--none are there now.

Secondly the supposedly "good faith pull back" is not so "good faith" as they only pulled back a total of 1.5km and still shell Ukrainian positions daily.

NOTICE Putin is demanding a "pull back" much in the same tone he demanded when actual Russian troops were attacking Debaltseve.

Troubling is when Holland Merkel and actually Obama are putting extreme pressure on the Ukraine to concede point after point to Putin unilaterally WITHOUT a single reciprocal move by Russian and or her mercenaries.

There was to be a teleconference on Monday night between Nuland and here Russian back channel much announced by the Russians AND nothing was released from that teleconference--telling.

NOW the Ukrainian High Command is attempting to keep their own troops when heavily shelled and or involved in ground attacks from returning artillery and mortar fire to protect themselves--THE key question WHO is applying pressure on them to do that WHEN every day there are over 80 major shelling and aground attacks being conducted against them.

AND that so called 100mm weapons withdrawal--total lies by Russia and her mercenaries--the furthest they moved back was 3km not the demanded 30km.

So has Obama, Nuland,Hollande and Merkel decided now is the time to unilaterally conceded the Ukraine to Russian in order to "save his face" and so "gratitude" for his assistance with Iran???????

Appears so------


Putin urges Kyiv to agree with militants on special status of Donbas

24.07.2015 | 09:21
https://www.facebook.com/dmitry.tymc...84?pnref=story …
Tymchuk says,there is a "witch-hunt" going on in the Ukr army,searching for Ukrainian soldiers who returned fire. Prohibited now.

Tymchuk: The ATO command in "compliance w Minsk agreements", concluded in the strictest ban Ukrainian troops to open fire in response... .in the event of attacks (including fr heavy weapons) by the Russian forces & terrorist forces.