.@UaForces UKR positions near #Luhanske were shelled w/122mm artillery about midnight Jul24

Ukr army's 72nd brigade was massively shelled near Volnovakha w/ 122-mm artillery. Enemy used UAVs to direct fire https://www.facebook.com/butusov.yur...23327441040885

My #Donbas source: @GrahamWP_UK was jealous @TomBurridgebbc's got access to #DonetskAirport, so he denounced him & his crew as spies.

Fighting is still ongoing in this area-----
10:03 #Novhorodske @LeeZernoganja [Impacts on] vegetable plot edge, fire in a woodline, rails hit. On nothing in brief

Yday afternoon RUS fired at #Novhorodske with incendiaries" http://youtu.be/gpt6Ef1kg1k