It is going to be a very long night—wonder if Obama, Nuland and Biden fully understand just what the ground reality is on the eastern front?

23:02 #Horlivka @062_Region Started over

23:03 #Horlivka @tgorlovka It was quiet, but just now they started firing again

Horlivka 22:46
Hear volleys far away.

22:50 #Horlivka @77bot1 It has been reported on impacts on the field westward from Stroitel

22:53 #Horlivka @NovaGorlivka Zhovanka-Holma - mortar rounds heard; 6-7 mine - Gagarina mine - Shumy – battle

22:38 #Horlivka @tgorlovka Outgoing again?

22:27 #Horlivka @tgorlovka Electricity's up
@77bot1 they started to give electricity , then shelling peak is over for today

22:23 #Horlivka @tgorlovka A battle in #Shumy settlement direction heard fr/#Dzerzhynsk

22:19 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster I wanted to write 'it ceased', but again very distant blasts started

22:14 @sv_inaya They say there was Grad fr/Artemivsk

22:18 #Horlivka 5th block @cacab06 [No] singles both outgoing&incoming

DNR is reportedly mortaring Gorlovka at this moment... so they fire at Dzerzhinsk AND at town they supposedly protect..

22:10 #Horlivka @NovaGorlivka Mortars are working at the city

22:02 #Horlivka @123Brunhilda About 10 outgoing from the 5th block

22:11 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster AGL

22:04 #Horlivka @tgorlovka Electricity down in half city, impacts on #Mykytsky ds [#Mykytivka area]

21:55 #Horlivka @77bot1 5th block is getting reply. Electricity down at Gagarina, Rtutny [cinnabarite pit], Stroitel, Kalinovka, Bessarabka

Terrorists renewed attacks in Mariupol sector – ATO speaker

SBU detained militants who fought near Debaltseve and Donetsk airport

22:01 #Horlivka @andreyboss77 Now landings at 5th block

16:35 #Horlivka Stroitel @ahab7822 2 BMP from the city through Stroitel

21:57 #Horlivka 5th block @cacab06 About 5 more booms. Outgoing
21:58 Incoming started

21:44 #Horlivka 5th block @cacab06 2 more times [=gunshots]. Much closer the last one

21:38 #Horlivka @NovaGorlivka Just now RUS howitzers are shelling at Dzerzhynsk direction from Rumyantseve cemetery area

21:43 #Dzerzhynsk @dimetros7776 "No reply fire at all, we have Minsk here"

21:39 #Dzerzhynsk @dimetros7776 Impacts became closer

21:41 #Dzerzhynsk @dimetros7776 One incoming after another

21:40 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster "I didn't hear outgoing, at least nearby. Incoming for now - curtains are shaking"

21:35 #Horlivka @kristy31415 Shot-blast interval = 10 sec

21:32 #Dzerzhynsk @dimetros7776 Incoming heard

21:33 #Dzerzhynsk @hdzerz It started to boom here

21:32 #Horlivka @Julia_Twinkle Battle in #Zaytseve direction started]

21:08 #Avdeevka @rechnikato [as for #rumour UKR CPs were dismounted:] At coking plant there is a checkpoint but with no troops for now

21:02 #Krasnohorivka @Serzzze [fb] About 20min ago there were half score of incoming