While this was an interesting theoretical discussion--facts on the ground in Russia occupied eastern Ukraine has fully supported this discussion as the Russian ground forces have completed just this "theoretical" reorganization and have moved into formal attacks positions all along the eastern front lines.

Good info to match with intercepted comms. before certain attacks

Pickar, C.K. (1991) Tactical Deep Battle: The Missing Link http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc...f&AD=ADA258092

Just had a very interesting discussion on topic: Is Russia reviving the Soviet "Deep Battle" concept?

Military experts tend to poopoo the idea of Russian "Deep Battle", but facts on the ground indicate the concept is being revived

It appears that the Russian military (Ground, Airborne and Air Forces) are developing a modern "lite" version of "Tactical Deep Battle"

Deep Battle" was Soviet/Warsaw Pact era methodology: mechanised assault by combined arms armies. See Pickar 1991 http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=get...fier=ADA258092

Deep Battle has both defensive and offensive phases ...

Offensive phases: assault (breach front line/penetration of rear), deep operation (advance/envelopment of rear), consolidation/pursuit.

Deep Battle relies on mechanised/motorised infantry, tanks, (self-propelled) artillery, AT/AA cover, assault aviation and deep logistics.

Russian forces currently building motor rifle (mechanised infantry), tank, deep air assault and assault engineer capacity in east of Ukraine

Rapid reorganisation (by Southern Military Dist) of Russian (hybrid DPR/LPR) motor rifle and tank units "lodgement" in eastern Ukraine...Recent reorganisation and deployments of Russian 1st Tank Div and 20th Combined Arms Army in Western Military District together with......support the notion that the Russian military is preparing a "lite" Tactical Deep Battle operation in (eastern/southern) Ukraine