Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Reference the MH17 shot down----Russia is working overtime to deflect anything pointing to them being involved in the shot down.

Somehow Lavrov fails to mention the Russians themselves pushed out six different stories largely lies to include their own MoD being caught at lying by social media open source analysis.

Lavrov working hard smearing the JIT investigation - Russian foreign minister: #MH17 investigation team "prejudiced" http://bit.ly/1SNith8

Again Russian doublespeak—guess prejudice is when you are caught with your hand in the cookie jar and try to sell it as a jam jar.

The investigation of the crash of Boeing in the Donbass was not really international - Lavrov http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/5-augus...-boeing-in-the … #Ukraine via @KFM936

Russian doublespeak again—not really international—let’s see—there was Boeing the manufacturer, then the Dutch, the UK, the Malaysians who had citizens killed and then there was the Ukraine where it crashed AND then Russia who claimed to have sent information pointing to the Ukrainians being the blamed party.

So exactly how many countries does it take to be “international”?????

Again Russian doublespeak----
Lavrov: RF had called US and Kyiv to publish satellite images and talks of dispatchers http://liveuamap.com/en/2015/5-augus...lish-satellite … via @RT_russian

WHAT he means here is “please publish what you have” so we can come up with a new “fake story”.

Let's cut to the chase, Lavrov just wants to say the #MH17 investigations are horribly biased against Russia and shouldn't be trusted.
My the Russian FM Lavrov is more than a little sensitive as he fully knows this war crime could in fact land him and Putin in front of the Hague.

"Stop speculating on and politicizing the MH17 investigation!" yells Lavrov, before going into a rant about Western plots to frame Russia.