101(-5) attacks yesterday. Tanks, MRLS, mortars, 122mm artillery http://liveuamap.com pic.twitter.com/uSUWAPs5qp

AND the response fro Obama and his 700 person NSC has been again what--absolutely nothing nor has there been any comments/actions from Hollande and or Merkel.

04:23 #Horlivka @DobryShubin Calmed down
04:24 @adochek yes, SPG. sometimes howitzers join

04:18 #Horlivka @The_Ukrop [outgoing are] from #Horlivka
@DobryShubin Few pairs of SPG worked
04:22 @adochek still working

04:17 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster It started to boom in #Shumy direction. And now near Mikroraion it is especially loud

04:15 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster Sound of flying by bombs is getting louder, from the east to the west, explosions w/loud crackle

04:13 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster It seems, it rumbles also or already in #Artemove direction

04:11 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster ...Somewhere smth booms with crackle, hard to get incoming or outgoing

04:11 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster Bomb fly-bys heard, like [UKR] reply has started.

04:08 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster ...but as the wave reaches us everything's rattling, floor vibrates perceptibly

Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster
04:08 As it lands, hiss is heard, almost soudless,..

04:05 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster [rumble] in #Mayorsk/#Shumy direction...

04:04 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster It's definitely not Grad, too heavy and seriaes are too short
@adochek 3-4 tubes at one go

04:03 #Dzerzhynsk @blessmaster Some heavy landings in series, everything's shaking. Sounds a bit like Grad. Voltage drops

02:33 #Kirovsk @thisnameerror That was like Grad there, and that flashes were 120mm mortar rounds from #Pervomaysk https://twitter.com/loogunda/status/629759613773201409