Perfect example of the total disconnect between the US/Obama administration and the Russian reality inside the Ukraine---during the just ended Russian slow stepped offensive the UAF lost over 160 KIAs, over 600 WIAs AND this does not count the civilians ie children that were KIAs/WIAs and the sheer destruction of Ukrainian physical property and residences.

NOT a single word or utterance out of Obama, Holland and or Merkel.

BUT let a grenade fly AND we get this statement from the DoS—just how strange it that???—silence on one hand and outrage on the only AND that is not supporting Putin’s demands?????

US-EuropeanMediaHub ✔ @USAandEurope
.@statedept Dep Spox: We deplore violence outside #Ukraine's parliament that reportedly resulted in at least 1 death & dozens of injuries.

ALL we got out of Obama and his NSC at the very end of the fighting five weeks ago was the word "urges"--at least they could have said something along the lines of "we deplore the heavy fighting/shellings that is being led by Russian troops" at the very beginning of the fighting---nothing though along these lines was done--WHY at the end??

It is all about the legacy.....stupid.