Well there's nothing like being optimistic inside The Beltway; a new report from AEI:http://www.aei.org/publication/a-new...eda-in-yemen/?

The key points:
  • Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), still likely the most potent al Qaeda terrorist threat to the US homeland, has expanded and strengthened as the Yemeni state has collapsed, and its success buttresses the global al Qaeda network.
  • The current US approach to Yemen has failed alongside the Yemeni state because it prioritized a military response to the AQAP threat rather than a more comprehensive strategy.
  • A win against al Qaeda in Yemen will last only if it is part of a global strategy against al Qaeda, ISIS, and like-minded groups.
  • The US must identify a way forward and lead a coordinated regional response in Yemen, including negotiating a political settlement among Yemeni stakeholders, supporting subnational actors, leading a ground offensive against AQAP, and addressing the immediate humanitarian needs of the population.

Madness comes to mind that the USA can today play such a role, including 'leading a ground offensive against AQAP'. The USA is not a neutral party in the current civil war and external involvement.