Turkey's top general said Thursday his army — which has been massing troops on the border with Iraq — was prepared to attack separatist Kurdish guerrillas in a cross-border offensive.

Gen. Yasar Buyukanit said the military was ready and awaiting government orders for an incursion, putting pressure on the government to support an offensive that risks straining ties with the United States and Europe and raising tensions with Iraqi Kurds.

Public support for an offensive is high, especially following the recent killings of soldiers and a suicide bombing that killed six people
Link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,276932,00.html

So what does this mean? Is this threat real or just posturing? Part of the justification for not pulling out of Iraq is so that a regional war does not develop. This move would seem to spark it. What role will the peshmerga play? Will they fight Turkey or the PKK? What about the Iraqi government? What will their reaction be to this threat to their sovereignty?