Quote Originally Posted by Merv Benson View Post
As much as I appreciate my Leatherman, I would not want to have to rely on it in a knife fight.
Funny that you say that. Recently, my husband was looking a new knife to carry on patrol -- the KaBar was just a bit unwieldy (but at least it had been used in combat, and he was proud of that). He laughingly said that the thing he used most was the Leatherman, to cut IED wires, and that what he should really get was a pair of wire cutters. He figured in a worst-case scenario, he could always stab someone with the things.

So the question would be, how many knife fights do you realistically expect to get into? That is, yes, if you train or buy a piece of gear that is mission specific, hopefully you're doing that because it's the most likely need or use. And if the odd "knife fight" comes along, are you smart and adaptable enough to use what you've got to get the job done?