Quote Originally Posted by 120mm View Post
Personally, I found my Camillus (What IS it about you rich Marines and your Ka-Bars, anyway?) was the best damned can opener in the world. It also can dig small holes and hammer in tent stakes like nothing else.

The Leatherman Crunch I carry on my belt has saved my hide both figuratively and literally more than once.
You must be talking about later generations of Ka-Bars. I should have been more specific -- the Ka-Bar in question was the ye olde school style, fixed blade version, like you see in WWII movies, and that certainly would not be considered the province of the "rich." Something like this, but a little less jivey:


I use mine as a letter opener.*

* My real knife collection is in the kitchen, and I'm fairly handy with them -- I can de-bone a fowl leaving nothing but a meat shirt that resembles the "boneless chicken" of Far Side fame. It's a skill that keeps my husband on the straight and narrow.