At the risk of helping a troller.

Victory or Martyrdom is their motto, and they will be steadfast till the end.
I disagree, for example the Jews have done good work with bombers who they captured in studying how bombers think and act.

don't like to generalise all of you
And yet you think all Americans are ignorant people who want to throw money at any problem, have no honour and can not see others viewpoints!

I think you like making blanket statements about all Americans. I think you like it alot, it makes you feel better than them.

People don't like to be meddled with, it's not your place not your right, to meddle in the country's affairs.
So you think no country should interfere with things going on inside anothers borders? Thats your thesis? That is something happens in one country no other countries should do anything?

Don't worry about it, Every Iraqi who was willing to sell their souls, their nation, and their people for money and power is already collaborating with you. Wether he/she was a sunni or a shia, or a ba'athist, or simply a back stabbing thief. Every opportunistic dirt bag who was already corrupt on the inside before the war, is already on your side. Furthermore, contrary to what you implied with your question, there is a shia resistance just aswell as a sunni resistance, and sunni traitors as well as shia traitors. It doesn't matter what you are but who you are and there is good and dirt everywhere.
This is very disrespectful to the Iraqi police and army people who have given their lives to try and help their country.

You post seems little more than poorly thoughtout knee jerk anti-Americanism.