
I fear that the Daily Express and probably other papers have been "spun" a story from the intelligence agencies, albeit 'off the record'. There is a piece of legislation due for review and the official PR machine has been in overdrive to ensure it passes without amendment. On a quick check no other national papers have run with the story.

Yesterday in my reading one report stated it was Israeli intelligence that provided the "chatter" to the UK after the attack.

Awhile ago now a UK paper IIRC published photos of an aspiring IED maker, who had joined ISIS and upon examination a SME was far from convinced any IED could be made.

We get regular reports on "chatter" and British accents being overheard in Afghanistan and the Middle East, rarely followed up - in the public domain - with anything else. Yes several hundred UK citizens / residents have gone to fight in the region in the last three years, perhaps a few can make IEDs and many more can boast accordingly in the knowledge it maybe overheard.