Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
Hi Sully--

Perhaps, the reason you didn't like the book is that both Damon and Massengale are too close to being stereotypes. Few people are as good as Sam Damon or as self-centered as Courtney Massengale and many - especially generals - have elements of both.

I have known quite a few generals in my time - a few pretty well and a couple who I consider friends. One who, I think, embodies the notion that both characteristics are present was Max Thurman. I worked for General Thurman, as well as his two predecessors in SOUTHCOM, and have written about his leadership in Panama. He was vain, short sighted, brilliant, did not suffer fools, extremely competent, bigotted (but not always), and self-critical. In the end, I found that I respected him more for his Damon qualities and could forgive his Massengaleness. If he were still alive, I would be proud to work for him/serve with him again.

BTW I really liked Once an Eagle


John T

The book as really is a metaphor for those conflicts in all of us, offering a goal to strive for and an evil to avoid.

