Quote Originally Posted by mirhond View Post

let's look at your options:

- What troops? Russian army is about 700 000 strong
- Why you give so small credit to Ukrainian military capacity? They are not some Papuans running around with spears, Ukr. army do possess enough of the stuff you mentioned, but weapons alone do not win wars, you know.
- You have no idea how hard the've tried - but majority of Caucasus-made jihadists either got themselves dead or fighting for ISIS now, you may even check the respective threads here for some links about these jihad tourists I posted.
- Why should Japanese do anything like this? They risk to anger their newly obtained divine prosecutor Poklonskaya (^_^)
1. Russia can only count on 70,000 to 100,000 professional soldiers out of those 800,000 (Western equivalent), yet this is across a vast country with many time zones. The Ukrainians only need local superiority.

2. I recall that despite overwhelming Russian numerical and materiel superiority in Chechnya, only a deal with the Devil could turn that war into a an ersatz victory.

3. Yes, and the gorgeous Kyiv policewoman will stop the separatists... In any event all the Japanese need to is encourage Moscow to reinforce the Kuriles with Spetsnaz...