Its a good PR effort, and who knows, it may even work. But anyone with any knowledge of history will find it hard to stay on message with a straight face. Javanese Islam is more eclectic than the rest, but at both the Eastern and Western ends, much more "traditional" Islam did indeed find it possible to survive and even thrive. The problem with this approach (to cover up actual history with platitudes like Yenni's "five principles") is that they are liable to exposure and lack depth or staying power.
On the other hand, maybe that is just because some of us (luckily, very few of us) are incorrigible pessimists and cynics or far too pedantic about history for our own good... Maybe (and I sincerely hope this is the case) a mildly hedonistic consumer culture can build a new "moderate" and tolerant national identity out of scattered bits of Javanese multicultralism and big dollops of modern state-sponsored "messaging" (aka propaganda).
I am not being facetious. I really really do hope this can work. The alternatives are all far more unpleasant.