Quote Originally Posted by Firn View Post
Power generation is already slowly becoming more and more decentralized. If, and a big if at that, battery prices continue come down storage should also become increasing so. Such a structure is obviously far harder to physically knock out.

Smart grid, large scale grid integration in general and long range UHV ultra high voltage transmission could make the grid on the other hand more vulnerable to physical and cyberattacks.

I'm curious how this plays out in the long run, although with adequate investments even the direct energy security the ups outhweigh the downs in my humble guess.
From a purly economic and physical POV better transmission grid integration is the most useful solution. Wind power is, when we talk in European scale, not correlated, this means you can get a base-load like situation on most days simply by more transmission capacity, therefore, no huge amount of short term storage is needed.

Long-term storage needs could be covered by Norway/Sweden, again, more transmission is needed. A wind heavy scenario in northern Europe plus PV in the south would my path to go.

The basics are nicly described in the dissertation of Gregor Czisch.