Russia won't release political prisoners held in illegally occupied Crimea. Work stops on electricity restoration. …
Dzhemilev says, power pylons are getting repaired now BUT electricity flow will only start, if #Russia releases political prisoners.
Last edited by davidbfpo; 11-26-2015 at 05:33 PM. Reason: copied to here from ukr military thread
Russia won't release political prisoners held in illegally occupied Crimea. Work stops on electricity restoration. …
Last edited by davidbfpo; 11-26-2015 at 05:33 PM. Reason: copied to here from ukr military thread
Yatz is probably to be thrown under the bus, along with his cabinet:
Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.
Valliant defender and patriot of Ukraine, Sturmabteilung volunteer Oleg Muzhchil':
got killed by SBU in Kiev, during a raid against "Russian sabotage unit"
but before this unhappy turn of events he managed to dispatch another Ukrainian patriot, SBU officer, Andrei Kuz'menko:
so, the question is: between two of them, who was the greatest patriot?
Last edited by mirhond; 12-12-2015 at 10:56 PM.
Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.
mirhond, who is killing in Novorossiya?
The killers are:
A. members of black hundred units from Russia?
B. members of national-bolsheviks units from Russia?
C. local communists?
D. local criminals?
G. Taras Bulba?
H. remnants of Vlassov's army?
I. freemasons and jews?
J. mercenaries from US Missile Defence base from Donbas?
K. Ukrainian nationalist who lost their way to Crimea in February 2014?
L. UFO-s?
N. Lech Kaczyński from the other side?
Feel free to conitnue.
Volyn' region, dead war hero has been transported to his grave.
Damn if I know why they kneel down, perhaps some local mourning tradition.
Last edited by mirhond; 12-14-2015 at 10:46 PM.
Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.
Your rethoric is getting better, I see, more astute and humorous, meanwhile my question is not rethorical, I really wonder who feels more patriotic: SBU grunts or Right Sector fighters killing each other?
Meanwhile, I don't know who did away with all these petty warlords (if they were) and I don't care, ask Outlaw, he knows everything. Is fecit cui prodest.
Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.
mirhond, my question is not rhetorical. After watching/listening Russian news about Ukraine over a year, all answers may be true. You know about Russia more than Outlaw does, so I'm talking to you. I wonder if you can pick answer from my list or propose another version? You do care about kneeling people in the village, at the same time you don't care about people who did the footjob for Kremlin puppet masters in Donbas. Just wondering.
Last edited by kaur; 12-15-2015 at 08:01 AM.
OK, if you talk seriously, my only reasonable guess about these warbosses as follows: they either were too independent and therefore dispatched by their Russian curators who need unity of command, or they were too careless and gave much pain in adversary ass, therefore SBU took care of them.
Last edited by mirhond; 12-15-2015 at 11:27 AM.
Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.
Ask OUTLAW--OUTLAW replies---Comrade mirhond maybe you have a better "legalistic fallacy" argument than the Duma---based on your own comments Putin argues he supports the right of international laws...BUT then again maybe Putin does but his own controlled Duma does not.....
CARE to comment......??
Sounds about right for the RF propaganda; Duma rolls out new law undermining International law, trolls out in force. …
AND comrade mirhond.....there goes the food for Crimea---BUT WAIT Putin promised the first time he could indeed supplement the 300 daily Ukrainian food trucks with 300 Russian food trucks....well think again--he was able to only get 103 per WEEK into Crimea NOT even per day......
Ukraine To Suspend Trade With Crimea
Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 12-16-2015 at 01:21 PM.
MORE Russian stealing........BUT WAIT mirhond calls it a "legalistic fallacy"....
Russia preparing to drill for oil in #Ukraine's marine economic zone …
AND this is after they stole two Ukrainian drilling platforms.........worth 800M USD.....and paid not a single Rubel.
BUT WAIT........
Russians losing trust in all forms of mass media, retreating to the confines of close friends & relatives for news. …
Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 12-16-2015 at 01:54 PM.
1. (Deputy Oleg Barna) My tastes are exclusive, you won't understand
2. (Prime mimister Yatzenuk) So, enlighten me
4. Sick bastard
Last edited by mirhond; 12-16-2015 at 03:52 PM.
Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.
MORE Russian stealing........BUT WAIT mirhond calls it a "legalistic fallacy"....
Russia preparing to drill for oil in #Ukraine's marine economic zone …
AND this is after they stole two Ukrainian drilling platforms.........worth 800M USD.....and paid not a single Rubel.
BUT WAIT........
Russians losing trust in all forms of mass media, retreating to the confines of close friends & relatives for news. …
Ukraine's economy is in deep distres after years of terrible corrupt leadership and the Russian invasions. Now Ukraine Defaults on $3 Billion Bond to Russia.
One of the more interesting facets of the story:
That chart looks like something a predatory lender would offer to a subprime candidate...The government in Kiev is barred from paying Russia back in full under the conditions of the agreement with private creditors. That pact, in turn, is a key condition of a $17.5 billion IMF aid package secured this year to keep the country’s economy afloat. Under that deal, bondholders including Franklin Templeton accepted a 20* percent reduction to their principal holdings, something Russia refused to consider.
So what will Russia do? Sue? Invade?
*I would have hoped for it's economy's sake, just like in an earlier Greek case for a far higher reduction...
... "We need officers capable of following systematically the path of logical argument to its conclusion, with disciplined intellect, strong in character and nerve to execute what the intellect dictates"
General Ludwig Beck (1880-1944);
Speech at the Kriegsakademie, 1935
Union of Industrialists & Entrepreneurs: situation w/ counterfeit food products on Russian market is catastrophic. …
4M tons of counterfeit dairy products we feed our children, & more than half of canned meat is counterfeit" …
The list of 83 mostly Russian cinema actors, dancers, musicians and other celebrities who present threat to Ukraine national security, from Ukrainian ministry of culture. Айгумов Айгум Ельдарович
2. Батуріна Олена Миколаївна
3. Безруков Сергій Віталійович
4. Бєлоцерковська Катерина Іванівна
5. Бистрицька Еліна Авраамівна
6. Бльоданс Евеліна Вісвальдівна
7. Богачова Ірина Петрівна
8. Бондарчук Наталія Сергіївна
9. Бондарчук Федір Сергійович
10. Бородай Олександр Юрійович
11. Бортко Володимир Володимирович
12. Боярський Михайло Сергійович
13. Бурляєв Микола Петрович
14. Варлей Наталія Володимирівна
15. Газманов Олег Михайлович
16. Гальцев Юрій Миколайович
17. Гафт Валентин Йосипович
18. Гергіїв Валерій Абисалович
19. Гостюхін Володимир Васильович
20. Грачевський Борис Юрійович
21. Дерст Фред
22. Депардьє Жерар
23. Зайцев Андрій Миколайович
24. Зайцева Надія Андріївна
25. Інін Аркадій Якович
26. Кара Юрій Вікторович
27. Карпов Сава Валерійович
28. Клебанов Ігор Семенович
29. Клюєв Борис Володимирович
30. Кобзон Йосиф Давидович
31. Коваленко Андрій Олексійович
32. Кокшаров Дмитро Михайлович
33. Кочетков Олексій Володимирович
34. Кучеренко Володимир Олександрович
35. Лаврентьєв Клім Анатолійович
36. Лановий Василь Семенович
37. Лебединський Віктор Вікторович
38. Лепсверідзе Григорій Вікторович
39. Лещенко Лев Валер’янович
40. Ліванов Аристарх Євгенійович
41. Лужина Лариса Анатоліївна
42. Лунгін Павло Семенович
43. Марчуков Андрій Владиславович
44. Маховиков Сергій Анатолійович
45. Махров Олексій Михайлович
46. Мельнікова Анастасія Рюріковна
47. Михайлов Олександр Якович
48. Мілованов Леонід Петрович
49. Міхал Павінські
50. Моріхіро Івата
51. Мунібаєв Руслан Рушанович
52. Назаров Юрій Володимирович
53. Нагібін Денис Олегович
54. Нестеренко Василь Ігоревич
55. Назмутдинов Булат Венерович
56. Охлобистін Іван Іванович
57. Олійник Олексій Олексійович
58. П’єха Станіслав Пятрасович
59. Палей Андрій Єдуардович
60. Паталах Артур Михайлович
61. Пєнкін Сергій Михайлович
62. Перфілова Валерія Юріївна
63. Петров Юрій Олексійович
64. Поляков Юрій Михайлович
65. Порєченков Михайло Євгенович
66. Пригожин Йосиф Ігорович
67. Расторгуєв Микола В’ячеславович
68. Розенбаум Олександр Якович
69. Рой Джонс (молодший)
70. Самойлов Вадим Рудольфович
71. Смирнов Олександр Олександрович
72. Стариков Микола Вікторович
73. Стеблов Євген Юрійович
74. Табаков Олег Павлович
75. Тализіна Валентина Іларіонівна
76. Тамбіянц Юліан Григорович
77. Теличкіна Валентина Іванівна
78. Федоров Євген Олексійович
79. Хазін Михайло Леонідович
80. Харатьян Дмитро Вадимович
81. Холмогоров Єгор Станіславович
82. Чичеріна Юлія Дмитрівна
83. Шахназаров Карен Георгійович
Haeresis est maxima opera maleficarum non credere.
From the BBC:Link: in Ukraine believe an explosion caused damage to an electricity pylon, bringing fresh disruption to power supplies in Crimea....Crimea's two million people were severely affected when four pylons on the Kakhovsky-Titan power line were intentionally damaged. It took more than a fortnight for supplies to be restored....A contract between Ukrenergo and Crimea was set to come to an end on Thursday and there was no indication that it was being renewed in time for the new year....Moscow officials says two power lines through the Kerch Strait began providing 400 megawatts of electricity to Ukraine this month and further supplies will begin in May 2016.
Thankyou to Outlaw 09 and others who post here, like Firn, as it is unlikely another will post this thread I shall close now before I go out to party. Minus fireworks!
To the others who post here thank you, anyone who follows this thread will have learnt a lot - even if there is rarely disagreement.