Situation in #Aleppo province
Regime fights mainly #rebels
ISIS fights SDF & #rebels
SDF fights ISIS
= rebels lose

Latest situation in #Aleppo by @HalabNewsN. Rebels in green trapped between ISIS, Assad & SDF w/ Russia from the air

When #Russian state news & all major newspapers report on the "SAA capture of #SheikhMaskin", you know, who ordered the attack.

Iranian TV reports from #SheikhMaskin with Shiite sectarian flags being hoisted.

Snow storm is over in #Syria.
#Putin's and #Assad's storm resumes.

Another regime attempt to advance into the Marj area ends badly, JaI says more than 25 regime forces killed. #Damascus #Ghouta

Levant Front: stop calling us Nusra, the groups fighting SDF at Tanab are us, Ahrar, FSA 1st Reg, Div 13, Div 16 Ar.

For a bit of background to the Efrin-Aazaz fighting between SDF & Arab rebels & why USA doesn't like it one bit, see