Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
CrowBat --have you picked up anything on this comment--first time I have seen/heard about it......

At least 20 #Syrian rebel commanders died in #Syria since early Dec, may be part of assassination campaign

If true-- next question would be how many of them made the recent KSA conference????
Yup, though I'm rather surprised that assassinations in question are hitting either Islamist or Jihadist commanders (in comparison: 'only' two FSyA commanders were assassinated in last two months).

So, not sure what to make out of this story.

BTW, something similar happened to the 'Emir' of the Daesh's Wilayet in south-western Dera'a recently (if you check any recent and useful map of Syria you'll see a small Daesh-held pocket at the joint of Syrian-Jordanian borders, and Israeli-occuppied Golan Heights). Yesterday, reports appeared that this pocket is now short of getting overrun, or at least negotiating surrender... only thing unclear was: with whom? FSyA or the JAN...