Is anyone looking into the possibility that these latest PKK activities might really be the work of poseurs? Why could this not be the work of agents provacateurs who are acting like PKK terrorists in order to stir the pot in the region and distract the Coalition from continuing to do other things further south that may be on the verge of being successful?

Among other things that make me ask this question are the following.
--Have not allegations been made about clandestine Turkish-Iranian cooperation to deal with what each perceives as the "problem" of their Kurdish minorities, especially in light of the improved status of the Kurds in northern Iraq?
--If, as some allege, the Iranians are in fact stirring up the Shi'a-Sunni violence in the south, why would they not be employing a similar tactic between Kurds and Turks up north?
Getting answers to questions like these would be part of my priority intelligence requirements were I in charge of trying to achieve peace and stability in the region.