Hat tip to WoTR for a long review by Myra McDonald of the Indo-Pakistani relationship after the latest two attacks, an Indian air force base and the Indian consulate @ Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan:http://warontherocks.com/2016/01/on-...or-the-worst/?

A nice pithy ending passage, with my highlight:
the United States should ensure that despite the multiple distractions in the Middle East, it is properly prepared for a fresh crisis. China has been helpful in the past in managing Pakistan — though a strategic rival of India, China has no interest in seeing a major war on its doorstep. The United States should build on that, while continuing to encourage nuclear confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan. In other words, it needs to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. It will be in a stronger position to do that if it remains very clear-sighted about how little has changed since those days of the Kargil War. With every new army chief that takes office, Washington somehow convinces itself Pakistan has turned a corner. It never does.