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Thread: Syria in 2016: an exchange on what to do

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  1. #1
    Council Member
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    Jan 2016


    The US under Obama and Kerry will at some point if the US continues to do nothing be complicit in those killings if they are not already.
    They are not complicit in those killings, though they rather are regarding KSA and company in Yemen and through their support of other extremist groups while importing US weapons and hanging out under a US defense umbrella.

    Though two terrorists for each civilian is considerably better than Israel's six civilians per Hezbollah member, even more so when they are bombing people who hide among civilians with 1970s tech.

    What does it take for the President and his DoS to stand up and state that if a nation state commits war crimes then the leader of that nation state must be charged with war crimes..
    We going to host a dinner for our Mideast kinglets at Bad Saint and then arrest them all?

    UN SecGen has clearly stated today the use of starvation is a war crime and if the US which claims to follow the Law of Land Warfare carefully rereads it...the deliberate targeting of civilians by a military is also a war crime......
    Cuts both ways.

    Reference Assad cyber attacks.....currently a high number of ongoing Syrian cyber attacks originating in Damascus and targeting the KSA....has been occurring in waves all day. Have seen the same tactic being used out of Iraq focusing on the KSA and that has been steady all day.
    And poor victimized KSA exports money for terrorists and radicals the world around...

    Although the subtle question is ...does the WH actually agree with the killing of civilians and believe the attacks on FSA are the their striving for a "legacy"......
    America has no stomach for a war over these guys and the government has been unable to hide the stink of the anti-Assad forces. His base has increasingly moved towards staying out foreign conflicts and the other side, which he can't lead to water, has a mix of "let them kill each other", "kill them all let God sort them out", "Obama is a wimp", and a some unrepentant neocons.

    It be good for the WH to look like they are doing something as it will be harder and harder to restrain Turkey and KSA both who view themselves "as defenders of the faith and Sunni global community" and Arabs when they perceive Iran is out to destroy Sunni's and Arabs.
    Through support of IF, JAN and ISIS....

    e are slowly getting to that point of no return OR they release the MANPADs and argue the need to defend defenseless civilians from Assad and Russian AFs.....we are almost at that point.
    Thankfully I hope the US has learned from Afghanistan and has put enough pressure on them to not send MANPADS to terrorists...

    NOW after that surreal drone footage this is the utter reality of a deliberate Russian air strike on civilians which might require Kerry to do more than simply "ask".....and Kerry wonders why the HNC makes "pre conditions" that he himself via the UNSC has already agreed to BUT cannot fulfill......come on it is not rocket science...just humanity...
    They are basically demanding Assad/Putin surrender before they will talk.

    Maybe this can help the Obama WH and Kerry fully understand the effects of Russian air strikes and just why the rebel HNC Geneva team demands they stop...this town had roughly 24K before the Russian groups attacked with Spetsnaz and Shia militia, Iraqi Shia militia, IRGC and Hezbollah....and over 800 Russian air strikes and that included carpet bombings with the Tu-122.
    It's a war and Russia did not kill 24k people in that town, they fled from a civil war. Talk about a flawed taking point.

    An interesting game is afoot it now if the US announces they are ceasing air strikes against all except IS/and maybe JaN and the Russians do not follow suit and continue to bomb FSA a party in the talks...IS in fact then Russia responsible for the failure of any further least until they stop bombing everyone except IS??
    So would the FSA/IF stop shooting at the SAA? I think not. Russia is totally within its rights and acting above board in bombing the IF/FSA.

    Maybe when it comes to Syria Kerry should be replaced with the former Ambassador to least he calls a spade a spade.......
    Thanks but no. We sure don't need another idiot calling for the use of force or giving aid to terrorists. Good to let him whine from the sidelines in some useless "think tank."
    Before agreeing to talks, the HNC had been seeking U.N. guarantees of steps including a halt to attacks on civilian areas, a release of detainees, and a lifting of blockades. The measures were mentioned in a Security Council resolution approved last month that endorsed the peace process for Syria.

    Sabra said a response from de Mistura was "unfortunately still ink on paper". "We are not certain that the opportunity is historic," he told Arabic news channel Arabiya al-Hadath.

    Riad Hijab, who heads the Syrian opposition council, told Arabiya TV members might be in the city of Geneva, but would not attend the talks. He demanded immediate steps to alleviate the plight of Syrians under siege and bombardment.

    The exclusion of a powerful Kurdish faction that controls wide areas of northern Syria has triggered a boycott by some of the invitees. Turkey had opposed the PYD's participation on the ground it views it as a terrorist group.

    The United States, whose Secretary of State John Kerry is among those pushing for negotiations to start on Friday, urged the opposition to seize the "historic opportunity" and enter talks without preconditions to end the war, which has also displaced more than 11 million people.

    The HNC groups political and armed groups fighting Assad. It includes some of the main armed groups fighting in western Syria, including the Islamist Jaysh al-Islam, which is deemed a terrorist group by Russia, and Free Syrian Army factions that have received military support from states including the Saudi Arabia and the United States.

    Earlier this week the Syrian army took a strategic town in the southern province of Deraa, securing its supply routes from the capital to the south, days after retaking more territory in Latakia province.

    Damascus, Tehran and Moscow have objected to the inclusion of groups they consider terrorists in any peace talks.

    Deputy Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on Thursday his country strongly opposed moves by Saudi Arabia to allow "terrorists in a new mask" to sit down for talks.
    Last edited by mwe12; 01-29-2016 at 12:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Council Member
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    Jan 2016


    . is there any adults left in the WH and the NSC....??
    Yes, ergo why we are not doing more.

    [.am NATO and the EU the US is now out of the leadership role Obama has is now all up to the various regional powers against Russia and Iran
    A bunch of GCC kinglets who cluster bomb weddings and couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, teamed with a state which jails people for discussing a genocide it did 100 years ago and is bogged down fighting Kurds. The world trembles.
    The US has never intended that the bombing actually stop, never intended to end toe war crimes of killing civilians, has never intended to end the starvation an another war crime even agreed to by Ban, and this is critical never really intended to remove Assad WHEN for four years Obama claimed he had to go......WHY he simply has no strategy nor foreign policy.
    And thank God we have done so little.

    So mwe12 as a massive supporter of Putin's/Assad's moves in must be fully aware of every statement he has made on IS being in Syria...based on all those statements..."he is in Syria to destroy Islamic State" OR at least that is WHAT he is stating publicly.... but you already know that......
    BTW...mwe12...this was just in ...ABSOLUTELY not a single IS fighter and or IS positon where this barrel bomb from Assad landed...not a single IS anywhere to be seen......SO your Putin is doing WHAT supporting a genocidal dictator...GUESS he is because "it sure ain't IS he is trying to destroy in his protection of Assad."
    A. Assad is not committing a genocide.
    B. Russia has bombed ISIS. Russia is still bombing ISIS.
    C. Russia is within its rights to bomb the FSA/IF/JAN while supporting Assad. Putin does not have to limit his strikes to only ISIS.

    Otherwise just keep at reading the posted comments as that is also a form of learning about the world around you especially with the limited US MSM info on the ME that you get in the US..........
    Your comments are weird non-native English speaking rants about Obama. Seeing people who have opinions on the spectrum with mine are a part of the reason the US has not gotten deeper with Islamists, I would say I matter more than you.

    The 24K did in fact flee...WHY over 800 air strikes...many of them carpet bombing they were suppose to stay and be killed...come on .....that is worth a snide remark...come on now you can do better.
    Yeah they left - so mentioning the population between now and before the fighting started is an attempt to make it look as if they are dead, and not fled from 5 years of civil war. Maybe if the islamists had not held up in urban areas in the first place...

    So instead of cutting and pasting why not attempt to state what you actually believe and or not believe then we can cut and paste.
    I have many times. America should stay the hell out of this and let Russia/Hezbollah/Iran/Assad flatten JAN/ISIS/IF, I would go further and say we should join in striking those groups to keep America safe.

    So keep on commenting but am backing out of this as you are lost in a mountain of what the Germans would call "altered state of reality" or what I call "cognitive dissonance"....meaning lost between what you think you know balanced against the brutal reality of the ME that you somehow missed by being in the US that counters your own believes or biases.
    Please then keep your railing to Germany being complicit on this and leave us silly Americans out of your daily rants.

    A third grade German student argues like you argue.
    I don't know any. But fly to America and hand out flyers calling on people to save IF/JAN. Make sure you tell them that the local AQ aren't so bad.

    BTW mwe12 while you are riding the so called "silver line",
    I am sure I am the only American in this conversation. Probably the only one with a job also.

    use your smart phone and look up in "Websters" do know the book?, and check the definition of "complicit"......
    We are no more complicit than East Timor. No court of law would put ascribe any legal liability against Obama for acting a conspirator to Assad/Putin by not rushing in and handing out MANPADs to Islamists. Your argument holds up nowhere.

    Where we are complicit is in helping the KSA wedding crash in Yemen.

    If you do not respond to this direct question then we know for sure trolling is ongoing...awaiting your response to the question......
    Calling you out on being totally wrong on the idea of American responsibility does not make someone a troll. Being against ones country getting in bed with JAN/IF does make you a troll. Welcome to the reality of being on the losing side of an issue.
    The council will apparently continue to deliberate in the coming days and weeks over whether it will attend at all — a development that is in line with Russia's strategy for winning the war on behalf of the regime.

    "The bickering over the opposition delegation for Geneva III is the ideal opposition the Russians wish to present—leaderless, aimless and weak," Antoun Issa, a senior editor at the Middle East Institute, wrote on Thursday.

    He continued:

    It all leads to the fulfillment of the regime's and Russia's strategy: a Syria divided between terrorist jihadists and the Assad regime. Such a portrayal leaves the West with no option but to legitimize the Assad regime in the fight against terror, and certify Russia as the primary power in Syria.

    The delegation's decision to skip the talks comes after its final calls for Syria's government to end its aerial bombardments on civilians and lift its sieges on rebel-held areas went unheeded by the UN's Syria envoy, Staffan de Mistura.

    De Mistura had insisted at a press conference on Monday that "our line ... is clear: no preconditions, at least to start the talks."

    The HNC sent a letter to de Mistura and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon reiterating its demands on Wednesday. It convened in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to await clarification from de Mistura over whether its preconditions would be met before Friday.

    "There is a problem we would like to clarify with de Mistura," Riyadh Naasan Agha, a member of the HNC, told ABC. "Is the main aim of these negotiations for them to be held or to succeed?"
    Last edited by mwe12; 01-29-2016 at 12:38 PM.

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