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Thread: Syria in 2016: an exchange on what to do

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  1. #19
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by mwe12 View Post
    I do respond. I take each one of your points to the woodshed. I think you are either paid by the post (hopefully you monetize this) or live in a well padded room.

    1. Dealt with your genocide lie.
    2. Pointed out correctly that Putin is free to bomb other armed groups.
    3. Pointed out correctly Putin has killed more terrorists/Islamists than civilians by a wide margin.
    4. Pointed out the US/US public is not on board to go fight Assad to put those clowns in power.
    5. You support JAN.
    6. I believe we are safer with Assad in power. Several Presidential candidates back that position. And it's not an uncommon position on the street here.
    7. I think the US should be striking JAN/IF forces and anyone they are brigaded with.
    8. Obama/Kerry also consider those to be preconditions on talks and had to threaten our little Islamists to show up.
    9. Now everyone who doesn't agree with you is a racist.

    Not sure what is ducking or trolling on my end. On yours you rant and complain that Russian agents are raiding your fridge, and call me a troll but your genocide argument is a dud, you new racism argument holds no water, and basically you are on the fringe side of an issue.

    I think you live in a ideologically protected world where anyone who disagrees with you is a paid Russian spy.

    Disagreeing with your stance, as does most of the American public and our President it appears, does not make someone a troll part of a conspiracy to steal your matching socks. You are in a fantasy world. The American public is opposed to doing what you want, the President/Kerry are lukewarm on it and pushing for talks without Islamist preconditions, and two top candidates have basically we are better off with Assad. Sorry you are on the fringe terrorist supporting side of an issue.

    As I said there is nothing illegal about him blowing to bits the other anti-Assad groups (which includes your AQ buddies).

    If it is pages of you responding to your own rants with more rants about Russian circus midgets stealing your bodily fluids, I'll pass.

    If a group of Shia terrorists slit the throats of Sunni terrorists (who rammed airliners into the towers/are brigaded with them) I am amazingly indifferent. I am safer with a Putin/Assad/Iran win than a win by the anti-Assad forces.

    Dude you cheer-lead for AQ, that's like no-fly list zone crazy.

    Well we finally cracked down on those idiots. And had you watched the coverage there was outrage those guys were not being called terrorists.

    It's not racist in the least. Poor play of the race card. Though with the misspelling and mocking of the Presidents name, I think you guys might want to check your own privilege.

    "The only good Indian is a dead one/Indian" - at least get the expression correct, even though your usage here is wrong.

    He is free to attack other groups in support of Assad. Nothing illegal or immoral about bombing the IF/MB/JAN/FSA as well. Net gain to be honest.

    So I guess Obama is also a paid Russian troll. Saying "we won't talk unless Russia/Assad/Iran seriously and potentially cripplingly limit their operations" is a precondition. They know it won't be agreed to as a precondition for these talks, they simply don't want to take part in the talks which is why it is rumored Kerry had to threaten them.

    Run with AQ and people are going to rank your side below Hezbollah. Amazing.

    Fault of the terrorists who hide among them/the people that hang out around them. Seeing as the SOHR's Pallywood style accounting puts Putin at 1380 civilians killed (ignoring that 60% or so of those are adult men and probably not all non-combatants) to 2198 terrorists. Surprisingly despite using 1960-1970s bombing tech and not being anywhere near as concerned about Human Rights backlash as we in the west are; Putin has managed to kill far more terrorists than alleged civilians based on pro-Islamist sources.


    Thankfully little will and no public pressure in the US for that.

    So they aren't going to win.


    Not at all, and of course he down plays the whole these guys are allied with AQ/MB angle. The fact the opposition is full of Islamists and AQ supports/allies has to go unmentioned or else he would admit his cause was bankrupt and unpopular.
    Let's see your math...right now three different Syrian sources are giving between 1400-2100 killed civilians in just over 100 this Russian rate we will have say approximately 8000 killed in a year.

    VS the Russian killed terrorist numbers of say 2000 plus as you state.......and you say that is a raving success rate in over 14,000 air sorties...

    The US led effort has killed a confirmed 25,000 and the number of civilians killed as "collateral damage" is far far far far far less that the current Russian killed rate of say 1400 on the low end. AND the US is punishing SOF members for accidently targeting a hospital...97 have been hit by Russia in over 100 days and no one is punished......

    Let's see all US led air s rikes are cleanly and clearly targeting IS.

    Let's see...right now by bellingcat 97% of those 14,000 sorties have been not against IS BUT against anyone who fights against Assad....

    AND when IS attacks anti Assad forces the Russian fly CAS for to explain that??? OR when anti Assad forces attack IS the Russians also fly CAS for them........wonder why

    Care to explain the difference in more than a cut and past one sentence....

    Awaiting your response to this....
    How is that then a raving success by the Putin AF????

    BTW the Russian MoD much as you do....... criticized the US for flying fewer sorties.....BUT wait fewer sorties more killed more IS vs the Russian highly precise air strikes...claimed repeatedly by the Russian MoD led to far far fewer IS killed...wonder why is that is??
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 02-01-2016 at 08:53 AM.

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