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Thread: Syria in 2016: an exchange on what to do

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  1. #21
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    w97...again you do not seem to fully understand Iranian "Revolutionary Islam" driven really first by Khomeini and now by Khamenei.....AND it was not just limited to Iran as you stated. BTW the rumored replacement for Khamenei is considered by many to be a hardcore Khomeini V5 and that means a brutally conservative religious fanatic....TIED to "Revolutionary Islam".

    If you had fully understood the "principles of government" espoused by Shia vs Sunni government concepts then you would have noticed the major shift started by Khomeini and company with the title of Supreme Leader signifying that shift.

    If you had fully understood the Khomeini principle espoused under the term "Green Crescent" then you would have fully understood exactly why the KSA has been pushing back since 1978 against Iranian Shi'ism.

    The "dislike" between Iran and KSA actually dates from 1978 a full year before Khomeini took power via a religious coup and then killed off any of those students and leftists that actually threw out the Shah...if you had fully understood the Shah overthrow.

    If you had understood that period then you know that it was the KSA that warned both the CIA and the US political leadership that Khomeini's 5 cent audio tapes of his Friday's Prayers coming out of Paris was far more of a threat than anyone anticipated including the Shah's secret police the CIA trained SAVAK.

    Back to the Green Crescent...which is the arch created by a line running from AFG through Iran, Iraq, Syria and landing in Lebanon and if you had understood the Lebanese civil war then you would have seen the 3000 "volunteer RGs" marching into Baalbek Valley with their Green flags waving to "support their brothers" then they did nothing but waited and today we have Hezbollah which if you fully understand them.....they are a terrorist grouping under US definitions.

    BTW...trace the "Green Crescent countries" and then layer them over the "old Silk Road" you might be surprised that it is an identical match...AND then ask yourself WHY the sudden interest by the Chinese in the rebuilding of this "Silk Road" they have been talking about and which the Ukraine just sent a train over to test all the way to Peking AVOIDING crossing any territory called Russia so now the "old Silk Road" has a ME route and now a central eastern European branch. An interesting recreation of the old 1500/1600s trading routes.

    But again you knew all of this...thus the KSA pushback against Iran is to isolate this "Green Crescent" as it surrounds KSA and is viewed by KSA as a direct threat to them.

    THEN you would have fully understood the tie in to the use of Iranian of IRGC/QUD forces, Hezbollah units from Lebanon and Iraq, 35 Iraqi Shia militias AND naturally all those AFG recruited Shia mercenaries ALL of whom are now in Syrian and many of them dying in Aleppo over the last few days as cannon fodder making sure the land corridor to Hezbollah is maintained and expanded in the name of "Revolutionary Islam" and the Green Crescent.

    So while you and mwe12 beat up on the "Sunni's" you conveniently forgot the "Shia" which have far more "US blood on their hands" as does IS..which has killed random US citizens/military personnel.....remember it was not IS that attacked on 9/11 and remember even AQ has disowned them.

    THEN if you had know all of the above then you can fully understand the Obama "selling" of the "Iran Deal" to Congress and you as a way to "moderate" Iran...but have you seen any "Iranian moderation" in Syria?

    Again the pointed question to you and mwe12...when did JaN ever and I mean the last say 100 years...when did JaN issue a threat against the US and then attack the US and or US citizens....actually never.

    And since you know all of the above ...the offensive unleashed by Putin will now radicalize the FSA which is actually Syrian
    and Syrian supported and moderate even further driving them closer to JaN and IS and the flow of weapons from now Turkey and KSA will increase to include MANPADs....WHY because the Obama WH and Kerry simply have no strategy for the ME or for that fact anywhere else and these two countries under pressure from the US have held them back...but since the utter Geneva failure of Kerry and now due to the lack of total US creditability to fulfill anything they talk about these weapons will now flow.

    If you had understood the concept of "radicalization steps of a civil society" then you would have seen this truck speeding directly at you...but Obama and Kerry appeared to not see the oncoming disaster OR what I suspect is closer to the truth...they do not care as he is out of office in less than 12 months.

    Now disprove that......

    BTW....IS has lost 25% of their territory taken in 2014, and had 25K killed by US air strikes but overall they have solidified their holdings in Syria and Iraq and have actually been increasing their manpower and their wealth built initially on oil has taken a hit they are still the wealthiest jihadi group in the world AND Russia is not destroying them at all in Syria....think about that for a moment. ALSO think about their ability "to project Islamic power" much as Putin is doing now in Syria...."power projection" was largely reserved for nation states not non state actors.....

    Wars against AQ by the US since 2003 has actually increased the "influence and power of IS"...not the reverse.

    So what is your mwe12 "just kill them all"......."ain't working" I am afraid.....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 02-05-2016 at 07:24 AM.

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