Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Kurdish Nat'l Council: #Russia& #Assad's Intransigence are Behind #Geneva Suspension

President of #Turkey #Erdogan Slams World’s Silence over #Russia’s Aggression on #Syria

Yet another bread bakery destroyed by Assad artillery/rocket fire in al-Hrak, #Daraa, #Syria yesterday

Almost 75% of requests to the Syrian govt to deliver aid have gone unanswered: UN

At least 8 more Iranians killed fighting in Syrian bringing 2-day total to 18

Five more Iranians reported killed fighting in Syria, about 1 every 2 hours over last 2 days

Appears the IRGC is getting nervous about the possibility of a combined Sunni army entering Syria led by KSA and Turkey...notice the IRC does not address Turkey.....

BTW he does not mention that it has been only with Russian air strikes that "helped"......when the RuAF was not in Syria IRGC and related Shia militias have been taking a beating.....at the hands of JaN, JaI and FSA...

SO if they are "winning" then why does the Shia morale have to be lifted?????
Iran has dispatched pro-regime pop singer Saeed Hadadian to Syria to lift troop morale


After the beating they have taken even with Russian air strikes their "morale" does need more than a "face lifting"....
Appears that even the FARS news media cannot get the right Sunni description of IS into their anti KSA propaganda.....

From FARS:
Daesh or ISIL/ISIS is a Wahhabi group mentored by Saudi Arabia and has been blacklisted as a terrorist group everywhere in the world, including the United States and Russia, but Saudi Arabia.

IS has never been a Wahhabi group..appears the Shia have never heard of Takfiri........

FARs has a major problem in this sentence ...if IS is Wahhabi then why is the Wahhabi KSA an avowed enemy of IS.....and vice versa.....