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Thread: Syria in 2016 (January-March)

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  1. #1
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    AFP news agency 
    ‏@AFP #BREAKING UN probe accuses Damascus of 'extermination' of detainees

    And at the same time the UN signs a new health cooperation program with the Assad regime

    AND the UN Special Envoy still has creditability in the eyes of the HNC....think not.....

    NOT even sure the UN really knows what side they are supporting BUT neutrality is out the window for sure.....

  2. #2
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    Syria regime preparing major Darayya assault

    Russians using cluster munitions absolutely everywhere in #Syria, UXOs in eastern Gharaya in rural #Daraa, #Syria

  3. #3
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    Under the watchful Western eyes, Syria unravels via @hisham_melhem

    “Is Kerry saying that after 300,000 dead (mostly Syrians) over 4 million refugees and more than one third of Syrians displaced internally, he still does not know who is serious and who is not?”
    Hisham Melhem
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 02-08-2016 at 07:01 PM.

  4. #4
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    Hisham Melhem

    Once again tens of thousands of Syrians are being uprooted and forced to flee their ancestral lands around the ancient city of Aleppo by the incessant assaults waged against them by the government that claims to represent them in Damascus. The country roads leading to the Turkish borders are being traversed by haggard people carrying with them remnants of shattered lives, dragging little children shivering in February’s cold, wandering under the last skies of Syria, and wondering if they will ever return.

    Syria’s northern skies have been given by the Assad regime to Russia’s prowling bombers which have been spewing deadly fires and cluster bombs indiscriminately against areas controlled by the opposition groups. The ground has been given to marauding fighters from neighboring Lebanon and Iraq and from as far away as Afghanistan and other Central Asian states, in what can only be called a new “Shiite Internationale”, to help a minority regime bereft of the manpower needed to retake and subdue the rebellious country.

    Power of diplomacy

    Those in the West, particularly in the United States, who may have allowed themselves to entertain the scandalous notion that things could not get worse in Syria, should be forced to see the blank and numb faces of people on the move who are already beyond pain and hope, to realize the folly of their wishful thinking. Syria’s new tragic chapter is unfolding under watchful but impotent Western eyes.

    Secretary of State John Kerry, who has a deep and almost mystical belief in the power of diplomacy to settle violent disputes, a belief based on the naïve assumption that his peers are as rational and as well-meaning like him, found himself doing what he does best with Russia; pleading for cooperation, and reminding Russians of their obligation to enforce the U.N. Security Council Resolution 2254 that they co-sponsored to provide a roadmap to a political agreement.

    White House press secretary Josh Earnest was truly earnest when he borrowed one of Kerry’s retorts, reminding the Russians that their “military strategy inside of Syria undermines the goals of their political strategy”. If only those obtuse Russians would listen to us explaining to them how best to reconcile their seemingly contradictory goals. The naiveté of this political position is matched only by the immense self-deception the Obama administration shared with many Syria “hands” in academe claiming that there is no ‘military’ solution to the civil war in Syria.

    The American Civil War, the country’s most wrenching and bloody existential threat was settled by the application of uncompromising violence advocated by President Abraham Lincoln, a visionary and a man of peace. But, beyond the fact that many a civil war was settled by force, and beyond the fact that President Obama even under the best favorable conditions for the use of (limited) military force against Syria in the summer of 2013, before he infamously balked, today we find Russia, Iran and the Assad regime bent of fighting, even when they claim to be negotiating.

    ‘Essential Syria’

    The quick convening and suspension of the Geneva III “proximity talks” brought to the fore once again, the Obama administration’s eagerness to get the talks underway under the fog of ambiguity, obfuscation and contradictory interpretations of the terms of reference, with the hope that the “process” of indirect talks will lead to serious face to face negotiations.

    The Russia/Iran/Assad axis from the beginning wanted to use the talks as a cover to continue its assaults on key targeted areas, to consolidate what the regime and its apologists call “essential Syria”, that is the area stretching from the South, then Damascus, and along a “corridor” along the full length of Syrian-Lebanese borders, all the way to Homs, Hama, the whole majority Alawite coastal region and ultimately Aleppo and maybe link up with Kurdish groups along the borders with Turkey.

    Most of those Syrians remaining in the country live within this useful area, and those who live in the eastern and central parts of the country will be left mostly to the not so tender mercy of ISIS and other jihadi groups, who the regime hopes would engage in an Islamist fratricide under the bombs that are being dropped on them by the United States and its international coalition.

    The Geneva fiasco

    For five years the Obama administration has displayed a remarkable rigidity in its position on Syria. The United States will not alter its opposition to deploying even a limited fighting force in Syria - other than the occasional and temporary deployment of small numbers of Special Forces for reconnaissance and operations against ISIS targets and leaders - regardless of what happens on the ground. Not even Assad’s use of chemical weapons, or Russia’s military intervention, or even the growing Iranian and Hezbollah involvement in Syria.

    It is clear by now that President Vladimir Putin, Ayatollah Khamenei and Bashar Assad have taken the measure of the American president and are convinced that he will not extract a price from them, directly or indirectly. Why would Secretary Kerry for one moment believe that any member of the infamous axis, particularly when they are doing relatively well militarily, will negotiate in good faith?

    What would happen if the U.S. and its regional allies decided to provide lethal defensive weapons, say effective anti-aircraft missiles to deny Russia mastery of the skies of northern Syria? The TOW anti-tank missiles the U.S. provided earlier to small opposition groups were very effective against Assad’s tanks.

    After the collapse of Geneva III, Secretary Kerry was quoted as saying that he had a “robust” conversation with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov regarding Russia’s supposed commitment to a political resolution in Syria, then he added that talks are continuing in search of a ceasefire, and that the next few days would determine if “people are serious, or people are not serious”.

    It is also astonishing that Kerry would accept to participate in such talks without the clear Russian/Syrian explicit acceptance of the terms of U.N. Security Council resolution 2254, including its humanitarian and ceasefire aspects. Negotiations among warring parties always reflect the realities on the battlefield. This was true throughout history and regardless of the cultures of the warring parties.

    The axiom of conflicts is immortalized by the great Greek historian Thucydides in the famous Melian Dialogue in The History of the Peloponnesian War. The Melians, who were defeated by the powerful Athenians, were told that “the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they are forced to accept”. This is precisely how the Putin/Assad/Khamenei gang sees the outcome of the conflict in Syria.

    Pleading, beseeching, appealing and imploring them in this context is tantamount to capitulation. But since President Obama is unwilling to entertain any military option to extract a price from the Putin/Assad/Khamenei gang, Secretary Kerry will continue his quixotic diplomatic “tilting at windmills.”

    The sacking of Aleppo

    Tamerlane was the last conqueror to sack Aleppo in 1400. His hordes overran the city very quickly, but their deeds were violent and merciless. Those who have been laying siege to one of the most treasured cities in the Middle East and slowly sacking its historic neighborhoods in the last five years, are mostly local killers with some help from foreign hordes. Many of them are in the service of the ruler of Damascus.

    We are witnessing and will continue to witness the sacking of a great city, and the deed will be recorded, and documented with the requisite drones giving us a bird’s-eye view, of those killed because they resisted, of the books, stones, woods, and glass that where once libraries, forts, museums, graceful streets and homes, churches and mosques and schools, the very stuff of one layer of civilization on top of another. The destruction so far is heartbreaking. Now the focus and fear is on a besieged population.

    Now that Russia and Assad’s new foreign legionnaires have all but pummeled from the air and surrounded the famed city on the ground, we are seeing the depopulation of a city that has been inhabited for many millennia. The new hordes may use modern weaponry and communication gear and can produce slick videos to post on Youtube, but their tactics of “starve or surrender” are as decidedly medieval as the siege engine or the catapult.

    A new river of refugees will run through the Syrian countryside to nearby Turkey first, but then will form new tributaries to other countries. An anxious Europe will watch with trepidation, and Lebanon and Jordan will get closer and closer to the day of reckoning when they could collapse under the weight of desperate and sullen refugees who see no hope or consolation.

    The United States and the countries of the European Union and regional powers will provide more funds to those countries hosting the refugees, as they did during the recent London conference of the donor countries, but this support could only prolong the agony. Because the regional countries cannot by themselves contain the slow collapse of whole societies, Western involvement is imperative.

    In the summer of 2013, when President Obama reneged on his commitment to militarily punish the Assad regime, the threat of ISIS was limited. Today the American president is contemplating the use of limited military force against ISIS positions and leaders in Libya, a stone’s throw away from southern Europe.
    One of the most brutal assessments of the US WH FP....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 02-08-2016 at 07:27 PM.

  5. #5
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    And now what does Obama and Kerry have to say about this Russian statement........

    In the bitter quarrel with Turkey over the latest alleged violation of the Turkish airspace by the Russian Sukhoi SU-34 frontline bomber, Russia sees no role for NATO to play.

    On the contrary, Turkish Prime-Minister Ahmet Davutoglu instructed his country’ s Foreign Ministry to demand from Russia to give the explanations over the alleged incident straight to the NATO secretary general, Russia’s RIA News agency reported.

    Russia’s diplomats have been strongly denying the latest accusation by Turkey and her partners, the Russian Ministry for Defense called it the “unsubstantiated propaganda” made by “ignorant propagandists watching Hollywood blockbusters.”

    “There were no violations of Turkish airspace by planes of the Russian air group in the Syrian Arab Republic,” shrugged off Turkey’ s claims the Ministry’ s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov last week. “[Even if there were], none of the [Turkish] radars are able to establish the type and the nationality of the aircraft – whether Russian or of the U.S.-led so-called anti-ISIS coalition.”

    Turkey, U.S. and NATO insisted that the violation of Turkey’s airspace indeed took place on January, 29. The US State Department’s Assistant Secretary and Department Spokesperson John Kirby called it “not accusation” but a “simple fact.”

    Not for the first time, the U.S. stood strongly by its ally Turkey. “We are aware of reports and can confirm that yesterday another Russian combat aircraft violated Turkish – and NATO – airspace,” the Pentagon spokesman Mark Wright said in a written statement on the next day after the incident.

    “On the 29th of January, another Russian combat airplane violated Turkish – and NATO – airspace,” the State Department’s John Kirby said, echoing word for word his colleague from the Pentagon.

    Mr. Kirby declined the offer to provide any proof of the Turkey airspace violation by Russian bomber. “It’s not our responsibility to provide proof to the Russians for something they did wrong,” he said to the RT reporter.

    For its part, NATO also strongly endorsed Turkey’s claim of Russian aircraft violating Turkish – and NATO – airspace. Organization’s secretary general Jens Stoltenberg made a statement calling on Russia “to act responsibly and to fully respect ‘NATO airspace.'”

    “Russia must take all necessary measures to ensure that such violations do not happen again,” Mr. Stoltenberg added. “[NATO] stands in solidarity” with Turkey, its member.

    Russia’ s blunt reaction on this cognate NATO and U.S. statements sheds light on Russia’ s perspective on the “NATO airspace” question – probably with far-reaching implications around the world.

    “It’ s strange to hear the reports that address us to go to the [NATO] alliance [to clear the situation over the alleged violation] because such a notion as ‘NATO airspace’ does not exist”, stated Andrei Kelin, head of the department of European cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry to RIA News agency.

    “What does exist is the sovereign airspace of each country separately. [Just] last fall the Turkish representatives were saying that this [alleged violation of the Turkish airspace by the Russian jet-fighter that was shot down by Turkey] was not a NATO’s issue but the issue exclusively of the bilateral relations.” “I see no reason for this role [to negotiate the settlement of the current conflict]to be taken on by NATO,” he said addressing Mr. Stoltenberg’ s statement.

    The Russian public holds 13th NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg in low regard for his clumsy and unprofessional response to the mass slaughter of children by Anders Breivik in 2011 in Norway when 77 people were killed and more than 150 wounded. At the time of Breivik’s terrorist attacks Mr. Stoltenberg served as Norway’ s Prime Minister.

    Meanwhile, the Russian media blames Turkey for the latter’s everyday violations of Greek sovereign airspace.

    Since employing its cutting-edge S-400 air-defense systems in Syria, Russia has taken full control over Syrian airspace (and a big chunk of Turkish airspace, too), becoming a master-in-chief of the Syrian skies and longing for a chance to avenge herself for the Russian plane shot down by Turkey and the Russian pilot killed by pro-Turkey insurgents last November.

    For now, when the Russia-backed Syrian army fights Assad’s enemies less than 20 miles from the Turkish border, Russia made it clear that when she has a chance, she is not going to allow Turkey to hide behind NATO. The dangerous escalation has a chance soon to make it known if there really is such a thing as “NATO airspace” after all.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 02-08-2016 at 07:52 PM.

  6. #6
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    SAUDI ARABIA: Foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir reaffirms Saudi Arabia's readiness to deploy ground troops to Syria to fight ISIS - Al Arabiya

    Saudi Arabia mobilises a 150.000 troops coalition to enter #Syria from #Turkey.

    Reading the whole report, this force would not enter #Syria before April, meaning almost all of #Syria will be under pro-#Assad/#YPG then.

    SDF/#YPG take more of #Aleppo -> #Turkey Highway
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 02-08-2016 at 07:58 PM.

  7. #7
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    Breaking on #Syrian social media now: #BasharAssad's mother's funeral in #Qurdaha hit by missiles. Several relatives injured or killed.

    AhrarAlSham | "guided missile" strike on Assad militia on the #Zahraa front #Aleppo:

    Syria-n Coalition Warns of Imminent Massacre in #Darayya #Damascus, Holds #UNSC Responsible

    6 Iranians #IRGC Ali Jokar,Mohamad Masrur,Fakhr Taqavi,Sajjad Dehghan,Tofiqi,Hedayat Qolami killed in N Aleppo,Syria

    Incredible work! @carolmalouf's much awaited interview with captured Lebanese Hizballah members taken in Rif Halab.

    Pro-regime selling this as #SAA in N. #Aleppo, but clearly Iraqi Shi'a militias

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Hisham Melhem

    One of the most brutal assessments of the US WH FP....
    Putin knew he had foreign policy green light when Obama decided to try and hang his hat on a legacy of bringing troops home

  9. #9
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    Early phases of Russian non linear warfare being directed squarely at Germany now.....Putin knows the EU will follow whatever Merkel recommends reference the lifting of sanctions....and she has a strong voice in the EU over Syria...

    "Putin’s continuing support to keep Assad in power has a direct correlation with Merkel’s weakening support at home"

    Merkel 'Horrified' At Russia's Syria Campaign As HRW Reports Cluster-Bomb Use
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 02-09-2016 at 08:43 AM.

  10. #10
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    Syria Heavy airstrikes on northern rural #Hama & #Aleppo by #Russia this morning

    Syrian opposition insists Russia should end air strikes: Interfax
    Putin actually agreed with the Syrian opposition when he signed onto the UNSC resolution 2254.....seems he signs and then ignores what he wants to all the while "claiming" he is adhering to "international law"....

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Early phases of Russian non linear warfare being directed squarely at Germany now.....Putin knows the EU will follow whatever Merkel recommends reference the lifting of sanctions....and she has a strong voice in the EU over Syria...

    "Putin’s continuing support to keep Assad in power has a direct correlation with Merkel’s weakening support at home"

    Merkel 'Horrified' At Russia's Syria Campaign As HRW Reports Cluster-Bomb Use
    No casualties due to Russian airstrikes in Syria", says Kremlin. For reality, check @SyriaCivilDef's TL.

    Russia's #Putin rejects #Germany's #Merkel's criticism of air raids on
    #Aleppo #Syria ""No credible evidence""

    Humanitarian Relief ‏@IHHen
    Tens of thousands of Syrians fleeing attacks in #Aleppo need food and shelter urgently.

    Graphic: Many killed and injured in Russian air strikes targeted Ferdous neighborhood of #Aleppo - @Ahmad_primo

    UN Relief Chief Calls on #Assad Regime to Halt Attacks Displacing 30,000 Civils in #Syria

    Russia & #Assad Carry out Daily Cluster Bomb Attacks on #Syria
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 02-09-2016 at 03:27 PM.

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