Quote Originally Posted by davidbfpo View Post
Leaving aside the details (as per map), the timing and method one must wonder at the impact within several Western nations, Israel, even Iran and in the USA. Perhaps officialdom knew and just forgot to tell the public?
'Connect the dots', David - and here's the timing (as posted by Outlaw in Syria-thread):

Did Russia Just Threaten Turkey With Nuclear Weapons?

'Executive Summary': a source close to Putler said to investigative journo Robert Parry that Russia warned Erdogan that it is prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend its forces in Syria from Turkish attack.

Why is this important?

Because with one third of the NATO consisting of Islamo- and all other sorts of Xenophobes, one third of presidents and chancelors (or at least members of governments) on Gazprom's and similar paylists, and Oblaba's admin going de-facto pro-PKK/anti-Turkey, it's obvious Erdo is feeling under a threat.

What a better moment but to pull out a big stick - in form of Saudi nukes?

Now the Russians can threat as much as they like, but they have to take into account: Turkey has a sort of 'nuclear umbrella' - with or without shaky NATO.