Renewed airstrikes by Russian jets in Saraqeb, Idlib & Atareb, Aleppo & by Assad helicopters in Teirma'ala, Homs this morning. #Syria

Russian airstrikes, Assad artillery & rocket fire targeting Douma, Marj & Bala this AM. Heavy clashes continue in Marj & Bala. #Damascus

Regime & Iranian led militias tried to advance into Qubtan al-Jabal & Sheikh Aqil in western #Aleppo under Russia air cover after midnight

A tank was reportedly destroyed, 8 killed & an Afghani fighter captured. Clashes still ongoing on outskirts. #Aleppo

Rebels say the regime attack was coordinated with Jaish al-Thuwar & Kurdish forces

Reports Turkish artillery targeted YPG positions near Munbatih in Tal Abyad, #Raqqa, #Syria

FSA 1st Coastal Div launching mortar shells at regime positions in Kinsaba, rural #Latakia, #Syria

Regime & Iranian led militias tried to advance into Qubtan al-Jabal & Sheikh Aqil in western #Aleppo under Russia air cover after midnight