Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Why is it that Obama and Kerry strangely do not "see the Iranian connections" in the various Arab Sunni nation states.....do they not believe in a Iranian non linear sectarian war?????

Kerry desperate as Saudi sends jets to Syria via Turkey-

Kerry: "we have stopped shipment of weapons coming from Iran to Yemen"

BTW the Saudi's stopped many more than the US has.....actually the US have said little about these shipments for the last ten months or so..wonder why...I forgot....Iran Deal...

Way to little.....way to late.
I think I've got an appropriate nick for Kerry: 'The Mentalist'.

There's simply no better description for his supernatural skills and paranormal abilities in excusing Oblabla, sugarcoating own failures, and doing everything possible to avoid facing reality.

It was largely anticipated #Shtora system wouldn't work vs #TOW because TOW is wire-guided & don't rely on laser.
Ah, you caught this one.... sorry, I haven't seen this post so re-posted that video.

Anyway, whether the crew of that T-90 was Iranian or Russian, it showed some 'amazingly high combat skills': they simply left their Shtora de-activated while going to combat. Who to hell needs all that wiz-bang high tech...