Quote Originally Posted by CrowBat View Post
...and yes: after withdrawing from Azaz pocket, the JAN withdrew from battlefields of NE Lattakia and western Idilib too.

For all practical purposes - AND IN THE REAL WORLD (the one countered by all possible delusions flying around the internet) - neither Assadists, nor Russians, and even less so the IRGC, BPM, SSNP, Hezbollah and consorts now have an excuse to claim they're 'attacking JAN terrorists there'.

Of course, this is not the least a reason why they should stop attacking - and especially not for them to stop bombing civilians.

That all said, one question remains: if the JAN is withdrawing from so many battlefields... where to hell are they going instead?
CrowBat...the same question I had....just where in the heck are they headed to as I do not think they will physically link up with IS...there was some chatter they had prepared positions to pullback/fallback too as they knew the Russians would continue bombing them and wanted to make sure towns and villages could not be bombed using JaN as a Russian excuse to do exactly that which is exactly what happened when the Russian MoD declared 90% of FSA territory as a free fire zone.......using JaN as their excuse...

This will be an interesting point to follow in the coming days.....