Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
If confirmed then things are going to get nasty in a big hurry.....ESPECIALLY if the jet was inside Turkish air space...although Russia has stated there is no such thing as NATO air space....

Unconfirmed reports claim either a Russian drone or Turkish fighter jet shot down near Syrian border.

Rumours spread that a Turkish jet shot down in Hatay near Syrian border. Locals report huge explosion followed by intense jet activity.
Preliminary reports indicate the following:
- either Assadist or Russian artillery shelled Kislak village in Hatay Province of Turkey;
- a UAV then violated Turkish airspace, and was promptly shot down;
- 3 F-16s were scrambled from Diyabakir AB, but it's unclear in reaction to what - that UAV, or activity of Assadist/Russian bombers near the border.